Ten - Coagulation

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Light beamed from a crack in the curtains, highlighted streaks patterned the grass and army of garden gnomes that patrolled the front lawn. William unclicked his seatbelt and silently pushed the car door open. He slid out of the car door, quietly closed it behind himself and made his way towards the house. He leapt over the gate and landed noiselessly on the other side. Standing tall, he peered through the gap in the curtains. Two men were deep in conversation; one was worriedly pacing the length of the room. The other sat in the comfortable looking armchair, phone pressed close to his ear, mouth moving rapidly, a worried and angry expression across his face. William walked round the side of the house and into the back garden, eyes darting from window to window until he spotted the opportunity he was looking for.  Retracing his steps, he tapped on the glass of the car door three times and waited for his accomplices to join him in the darkness of the night.

Danny hesitantly slid from the car, following Williams back and feeling the warm glare of Ash’s eyes on his back. The three of them made their way round to the back of the house in silence, pausing at the open window before climbing in. He landed with a soft thud on the kitchen floor, the familiar scent of his friend’s house bringing the bitter sting of tears to his eyes. A kick to the back pushed him forward into the back of William, who spun round and shot an angry look at the pair of them.

William stalked his way towards the staircase, watching and listening for the sounds of life from the next room. He waved the other two into the space, edging his way closer to the target. Finally, the pair of them was in his line of vision, talking frantically to each other, worry emanating from every inch of their bodies.

“Why isn’t he answering? This is not like him at all; he knows that we were not comfortable with him being there.” Richard said as he dialled the number again.

“Why couldn’t Danny come here? If something has happened to Matt because of him then he had better watch himself.” Mike snapped.

“Who would believe us? Would you believe someone if they told you that there were werewolves running around in the English countryside?” Richard said in exasperation.

“That sounds like a bad idea to me.” William leapt into the room, both men jumped in surprise. “I am sorry for this intrusion but you know a little bit too much for my liking.”

“Who the hell are you?” Mike stuttered in shock, trembling slightly.

“I see no harm in telling you, since after all I will resolve the issues before I leave here tonight. My name is William Black, one of the last remaining members of the Black family, one of the purest lines of werewolves that roam this earth.”

“Why are you here?” Richard's face paled.

“I have already stipulated that answer and I believe that you could probably have guessed it anyways. You know too much and therefore must be removed from this situation.” William edged closer to the pair.

“Where is Matt?” Mike yelled.

“I believe you know the answer to that question too.”

“You made him one of you?” Mike looked disgusted.

“Don’t make me laugh. That sap of a boy would never make it in this world; he is too weak to be of any use to a pack.” William laughed.

“You take that back.” Danny screamed and ran into the room.

“You! What the hell are you doing here?” Mike spat as he pointed.

“He has come to watch you perish, it will hopefully inspire him to create his own masterpiece later.” William shifted his hands into claws. “He tried to save you and your son, but alas we were stronger. You two will die here tonight; it is as simple as that.” He indicated to Danny and Ash. “Say your prayers now, and hope that death is instantaneous.” He leapt forwards, claws tearing into the chest of Mike.

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