Eleven - Shadows and Secrets

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Danny and Ash followed the edge of the hedgerows towards an old farmhouse, ducking into the undergrowth every time they heard an approaching vehicle. Their bare skin shone in the early morning sunshine, the air whipping at them as they ran. Leaping over the small wrought iron gate Danny followed the path up to the side of the house and peered in to the kitchen window. Figuring out the layout, he walked further down the side of the house, standing on tiptoes to see into the utility room. There was his goal, a laundry basket full of clothes. His eyes darted the building, looking for an entry point. They hovered briefly over a side door, looking down past the large cracked pane of glass to a grubby looking dog flap. He sniffed the air; there was no fresh scent of a dog on the property. Cautiously he edged closer, back to the wall to avoid anyone spotting him.

Straining his ears to the limit, he could hear only the sounds of sleep reverberating through the cavernous rooms of the house. Fur spread across his body as he dropped silently onto all fours, the transition was becoming much quicker and less painful now. His footfalls were almost silent as he prepared to venture into the unknown, placing his nose onto the cold plastic he pushed his way into the house. The dog flap clattered shut noisily behind him; he froze to the spot, too scared to make another sound that could possibly get him into trouble. Seconds felt like hours as he listened to the sounds of disturbance upstairs. The creaking of old bedsprings, a muffled conversation and slow cautious footsteps upon the bare wood staircase and floors warned Danny of the impending danger.

“I don’t know who you are but you had best leave the way you came in. I am armed and I will defend myself. “The old woman spoke clearly as she made her way through the kitchen and towards the utility room, brandishing a shotgun. “Drop whatever it is you think you are getting away with and show yourselves you cowards.”

Unsure whether to run or try to defend himself Danny sat down on the red tile floor, trying to look as innocent as he could in the hope that the old woman would be charitable to his cause.

“I said show yourself damn it. I will shoot you if you try and get one over on me.” She pushed the utility room door open with the barrel of the shotgun. “Oh. You were not the kind of intruder I was expecting.” She relaxed her grip on the gun and bent down to greet the wolf. “Are you lost? Hungry? I’m sure I can find you something to eat.”

At that second Danny’s stomach gave a very loud grumble, he had barely eaten anything since Matt’s murder. He looked up at the kitchen window as he followed the woman to her fridge, feeling guilty that he could not share his good fortune with Ash.

“What’s wrong boy? Are you waiting for someone?” She walked over to the window and looked out. “I don’t see anyone out there, are they hiding?”

Danny nudged her leg gently as a sign of agreement, wanting her to call Ash towards the house.

“Well if they are out there then we had best invite them in, can’t have people wandering the countryside on empty stomachs.” She walked past Danny turned the key and pulled the door open. “Hello, I know you are out there. Your dog is inside and I think he wants his master. I have food I am willing to share, please come in.”

Ash peered out from the hedge, showing only as much of his body as he dared. “Thank you.” He called to her approvingly, moving closer to the gate, using his hands to protect his modesty. “But I have lost my clothes; my friend thought this would be funny.”

“Oh my, and you have spent the night out there in the cold? Give me a second and I will fetch you something of my husband’s, he will not mind.”  Moments later, she was making her way towards Ash with a bundle of neatly folded clothes. “Just put these on for now, once we get you into the house then we can find something that may fit a bit better. He doesn’t like to throw anything out.”

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