Eight - Visitors

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The room was large compared to the one he had grown up in, there were old watercolour paintings adorning the walls and heavy draperies cloaked the windows. The light in the room was dim and sitting on the four-poster bed caused a plume of dust to tickle his nose. Danny sat there for half an hour as his brain processed what had happened. To him it seemed like only moments ago he was saying goodbye to his family and now he was a member of a pack of werewolves.

It was a bittersweet blow to his insides, he was now closer to the man he had fallen for just seven months ago but the same man also cursed him. The past month had been the hardest of his life. Every night forced to relive his actions as the wolf and every day he longed for the moment that he could make his family and friends lives safer. Now he had reached his destination he had no idea what to do. The man he wanted was just down the hall but to him it might as well have been another continent.

He could easily remember the warmth of Raven’s familiar hands against his skin, grabbed by strong arms and pulled back towards the path of safety. The smile of Raven’s face as temptation won, clothes ripped and then the closeness of their bodies. Their tongues fought as they kissed. Hands roamed freely, lingering and groping as necessary. That night they both gave in to their animal natures. If only Danny knew the true nature of Raven’s beast.

Danny lay down on the bed as tears pricked his eyes, he could not understand how someone could give up on such a passionate attraction. Finally, sleep took Danny under its wing and away from the pain. His mind wandered freely to a more welcoming place; Matt’s house. They sat in the living room surrounding him with concerned glances.

“What are you doing back here?” Matt moved closer. “Are you in need of plan B already?”

“I don’t know.” Danny was confused.

“You want to be chained up in that barn for one night a month for the rest of your life, however long that end up being?” Matt stared into his eyes.

“I won’t be alive much longer; the werewolf council are going to sentence me to death.” Danny sobbed.

“You are a quitter.” Matt sneered. “Have you really given them reason to want you as a member of the pack?”

“You don’t understand there are laws that must be abided to.” Danny tried to explain.

“No you don’t understand.” Matt spat. “You disobeyed the alpha, and then caused mutiny in the pack when you persuaded Raven to let you stay longer.”

“That is not what happened.” Danny interjected.

“You were being selfish. How do you think Raven feels knowing that he almost killed you, that you are now like this because of him?”

“I didn’t think.” Danny dropped his head.

“Exactly you didn’t think, now two people are dead and you are losing sight of the best option available to you right now.” Matt turned away. The room began to fade as he started to walk away. “You and the wolf are one being, you need to work together.”

From the darkness, the defined features and toughened image of Raven appeared to Danny. He could see the conflict between meeting the alpha’s demands and satisfying his own desires. Raven’s amber gold eyes filled with mutual lust filled attraction when they met his, which always caused a shiver of anticipation down Danny’s spine.


His wolf stirred and pulled him back to reality as the bedroom door creaked open slowly. He froze ears and eyes straining to make out whom it was entering his room. The tall dark figure made his way closer to the bed. Danny closed his eyes and feigned sleep, hoping that the intruder would fall for it and leave. He felt the bed compress under the weight of the mystery figure, his body falling slightly towards whoever it was.  He tried to relax his body, allow it to fall closer, as the mystery person leant over him. Warm breath caressed his ear.

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