Chapter 1

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Why have I lied? What caused me to lie about this? Attention? Oh God no, please don't tell me I'm an attention whore. I hate those. Well then why did I do it? many unanswered questions.

"No, Alexi I swear!"

"Nuh-uh! You couldn't have!"

"How are you going to tell me what I have and have not done?"

"I was with you!" she laughs.

"What? I am positive that I touched him at that concert!"

" touched the back of a random guy's head."

"Oh come on!"

She throws her hands, "You're impossible! Sarah, I'm telling have not ever touched Justin Bieber before."

"Interesting...." I mumble.

Like clockwork, the bell sounds and we all get up. I stop at the trashcan and stare at him. He doesn't seem to notice, but Alexi did.

She squeals as I walk faster away from her, "Oh my goodness! You're totally crushing."

"That's where you're wrong..." I look down. "I'll tell you later, promise."

I walk ahead of the crowd and make it to my seat. I sat down and immediately took out my phone. I place my earbuds in and relax as "The Spectacular Now" takes my screen. Someone taps on my desk, and I look up to see him. He smiles and walks over to his seat, directly behind me.

Halfway through class my phone buzzes. He texted me;

"Enjoying this lol"

"Yeah me too"

I turn back and continue my movie. That's when our substitute finally walks in. I scan her, seeing that it's my friend's mom! I smirk and resume my movie. The whole class ridicules her for being so late, but I don't mind. More Netflix time for me. The movie is very close to ending, but I have to go to my next class. I sadly turn off Netflix and blast music.

"I C U"

I turn around and take one earbud out... "Tyler stop being such a weirdo" we both laugh. "Well I tried calling your name." I point to my music, "Figured just as much" he nods. I reach my class and hug him. He lets it linger, and I quickly pull away. 

"See you later right?" He starts.

"Yeah of course, I'll see you later."




Author's Note:

Thanks so much for reading the first chapter! Some will be longer than others, and I plan to update weekly. 

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