Chapter 4

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Alexi's POV:

Why would this be hidden from me? Does she know? What will she do? Will this ruin our friendship? NOOOOO Long Live BBM!

I push Sarah inside and wave to Tyler, my mouth still agape. Once I hear the click of the door, I turn to face my best friend whose eyes are brimming with tears. I find mine stinging too.

"I know that this will be hard," she looks up at me. "But I need you to please explain the events of tonight. I won't be pushy; I will listen completely."

Sarah nods her head and motions me to the couch.

"No sweetheart! He made me drop my pizza! Um...I'm going back for more." We both laugh, lightening the mood.

I make my way over to the fridge and get the box. Behind it I see two Dr. Pepper's and take those too. After bringing that to the table, I proceed to grab every junk food item located in her kitchen. Sarah's eyes boggle as she stares up at me, "What? It's gonna be a loooooong night" We both laugh.

"So where should I begin?" her gaze shifts.

"How about when things started to heat up?"

She huffs out the air within her lungs, and begins.

"The Monsters of Hip Hop Convention in Atlanta, last December. You know that I rode down with Mrs. Brittany and Danny. Well she told me that Danny was staying with his friends, so we would have the room to ourselves." I nod along.

"Okay so Friday night when we were checking in to our hotel, Tyler and Manyia come up to us extremely sweaty from previously taking an industry level class. We all talk for a while, but this is where Tyler and I truly converse for the first time. I mean he was at hiphop camp, but we never had an actual conversation. Brittany, Danny, and I walk up to our room and settle in. Danny leaves after a few minutes to go meet with his friends." I grab a tub of ice cream as I listen intensely.

"Nothing much really happened this night, besides me and Britt ordering room service and watching a movie as she FaceTime's her dog." We both laugh at the video she had saved in her phone.

"Saturday morning, Britt and I got dressed and ready to go take class. We stopped to get breakfast downstairs, then headed to the ballrooms. Tyler and Danny saw us and waved us over. We sat stretching and talking about the convention. We were all really excited to be there. Class starts and we all hop to our feet... During class I got to know Tyler a bit more. He was really funny and an amazing dancer. We eventually helped each other through the combos." I wiggle my eyebrows at her, as she rolls her eyes in return and reaches for another slice.

"Lunch was fantastic! We all walked to a mall food court a few blocks away and ate THE BEST PIZZA EVER!!! Tyler and I got the same kind, and fell in love with it instantly. During lunch, Mattie kept texting me and asking me questions about Tyler. I showed them to Mrs. Britt and we laughed at them. I responded to the best of my ability, without being creepy. After the convention everyone hit the showers and got dressed to go watch Danny in the freestyle battle. Britt wanted to check out the hotel bar first, so we went down there and we ate appetizers as she ordered a few drinks. The show started soon after that, as we cheered Danny on. I sat next to Tyler and we were laughing at some of the parent dancers on the stage. It was a carefree moment. I started to see why Mattie liked him. Danny competed very well, but was eliminated...they switched the song during his improve, completely throwing him off. But it was okay." I take a sip of my soda as she shoves a spoonful of ice cream in.

"Okay that's enough for tonight!"


"Saturday night is way too intense for you to process in one sitting."

"Okay, so would you like me to ask about what the hell that kiss was about?"


"I'm afraid so."

"Okay fine. But you have to keep it a secret."

"Okay" I laugh it off.

"No, from Mattie."


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