Theodore Finch

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They rarely hear my voice
And they never saw me smile
I try to go past limits
I try to escape for a while

I could feel my blood
Pumping through my veins
Even in a sunny day
I always wish it rains

I locked myself alone
To be free, yet to be trapped
I liked exploring the prisons
The world that I had mapped

I'm different from others
Always am, always will
Some days I go too wild
Some days I stay standing still

They got used to it
To me being different
I'm a freak, the outsider
But no one knew what I really meant

They never bothered to ask me
Because they were so used to it
They let me go and back
They let me die and lit

They didn't know that
It was something more
My emotions were off the charts
My screams ran out the door

And so I gave up
Even though I tried
I always loved all of them
But my wandering died

The flowers withered in winter
They always knew they'd die
And I am here to tell you
Violet, so did I

Theodore Finch 💔 (To those who had read the book)


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