The little Mate

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Chapter 1

Sy's prov

Right now I am changed to to tree terrified because it is storming. And I'm scared of thunder and lighting. The reasons I'm out here is because I didn't finish cleaning up on time for the 4 alphas that are coming to night. I also got beat and chained to a tree for three days for it.

All of the sudden a loud crack of thunder roared. Making me want to cower away under something but I couldn't. After about 30 minutes I saw what seemed like faint headlights in the distant. I guess the alphas are here yay go me! Not. For some reason I am terrified of any higher ranking wolf than me and I'm the lowest ranking wolf there is. I'm a omega.

After the headlights disappeared into the trees I just stood there chained to a tree while it was storming. Then all of the sudden I heard low growls come from the pack house. Four of them as moments pass I hear food steps coming this way towards me.

Seconds later I have these giant hot alphas in front of me. I'm trembling in fear from them. "Hi little mate of ours."said one of them I couldn't see well. All I wanted to do was scream in fear and run away. One of them must have sensed that. "Hey don't be afraid of us we are your mates we will never hurt you we promise." said another one.

In that slit second I was unchained from the tree. I fell to the ground but felt warm strong arms around my tiny figure. "It's ok go to sleep we will protect you no matter what."the third one said and with that I slowly drifted off to sleep.

The little Mate                 On hold for now sorry Where stories live. Discover now