The Walk

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Chapter 6

"Lets go on a walk" I said to the boys as they wrestled around on the ground. As I said that they got up and ran towards me I got up as quit as I could and darted into the woods. "Hey come back here!!" Yelled one of them I could tell that they were getting closer by the second. I took three more steps until I was tackled to the ground with all fore on top of me.

We were what seemed like hugging each other but really they were hugging me. When I sat up my knee hurt a lot I looked down and saw that my knee was bleeding and that I scraped it while falling. I started to cry. The boys saw me crying and tried to ask what was wrong but I couldn't stop crying. That's when Kyle looked at my knee and saw that there was blood running down my leg. "Aww poor baby you hurt your we are sorry we didn't mean to let you get hurt." Kyle with the others were nodding their heads in agreement and saying sorry.

"It's ok guy I promise I'm ok I've had worst I'm fine" I said while sniffling. They wrapped my knee up and we started walking again while John carried me.

After an hour of walking we headed back to the house and went to the kitchen. I got water while the boys got beer. "Yuck I can't stand to drink that stuff." I said with a squished up face. "But it's good!" Exclaimed John taking another drink.

"Here try some?" Asked Kyle holding out the drink to me. I took the drink and put it up to my lips. Tilting it upwards the liquid went down my throat. Seconds later I jolted forward coughing and taking deep breaths. "It taste awfully big meanie!" I said to them as they had smiled on their faces.

It was like that for the rest of the day just joking around and laughing. But soon the day ended and we headed up to bed. We were all snuggling and cuddling each other all night. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.

Hey guy I will probably add more to this chapter soon I just need to think please don't be mad at me?

Ok guys and girls I hope you like to what I added?!?!?!?

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