Day 13: The person You Wish Could Forgive You

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Day 13: The person You Wish Could Forgive You

Dear You,

You definitely know  who you are, since you have already had a letter written to you.

I hope you know that those old letters I used to write you and the shit we talked and the love we had was real to me. I hope it wasn't too bad for you. I hope you enjoyed it while it lasts.

I hope you don't hate me, or at least kind of hate me, forever. I hope one day you will look back on that year and pull out your yearbook, and smile. Look through your photos and smile, look at those texts you saved, the letters, the notes, the drawings, everything. Just smile. Remember, And smile.

Because we don't all live forever, and hating someone that long could really hurt your brain. :)

As always cracking a joke in the wrong places. haha,

Thanks, I love yah!


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