Day 14: The Person You have Drifted away From

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Day 14: The Person You have Drifted away From

Dear You,

You and I have been really good friends for a while. But I think it's time to set down the script of friendliness and skip to why we haven't been hanging out much. I mean, I love you, you are amazing, but...

You and I are opposites, I think you said it right once when you wanted to do something risky and I said do it, and you said I was telling you to do something I would do if I had more guts. I'm not trying to live my life through yours, at all. In fact, your life scares me. Way too busy, haha. But I'm proud of you.

You do so much, you are amazing, I'm sorry we haven't been so close lately. High School is changing me, I'm not into the petty crap like I was in Jr high, 2 years ago. I'm not into the crazy parties or drama or secrets. I have enough issues to face. I know you hate drama too.

We click but sometimes we don't. I don't know how else to explain it. I wish there was a way to tell you why we drifted apart, i don't know how. Or why. Or when things will get better. Next year is our last year together. Maybe we will see each other at college if you go to the one we planned to go to many years ago. Maybe not. But i think fate Will bring us back together close again.

Know that I haven't forgotten you, I love you.


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