Day 17: A Person from Your Childhood

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Day 17: A Person from Your Childhood

Dear Person form my childhood,

How the heck are you?! :)

I'm good, I'm learning the ropes of life, and guess what, I'm glad we have two classes a day together so that you can help me with that too, haha. I'm blessed to know we are still friends.

Remember when we passed notes in 8th grade, one of would be gone a day and a five page note would appear in one of the lockers. :) I loved those days. I remember in 9th grade when we had the end of the year newspaper just for us, and your dear (now ex) boyfriend wrote he was happy we could all reconnect, :)

Sometimes I think about the fact that our moms were Friends oh so many years ago. Sh, you didn't hear that. They aren't OLD. haha.

And other times I think about how we probably would have been born a week apart if you came out earlier, on time, and I came out later, also on time. I love it.

I don't know much about soul sisters, so I can't say you are mine, but I bet pretty close.

Never stop singing, or dancing, or being a awesome person.

I love you!

Thanks for all you do!

You rock bestie!


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