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You are a 16 year old girl who's parents are always separating and never really have time to deal with your teenage problems , so you spend most of your time alone. You would take turns spending time with each of your parents, your father would take you in every break you get off from school and you spend the rest of your time with your mother


"It's been such a long time since I've seen my dad. I miss him so much."

I said with a heavy sigh as I finish my sentence.

My father worked as a construction worker so he's never home when I need him.

My mother is an assistant for a very powerful company owner ( she mostly does planning for the boss, runs errands , makes schedules , etc. ).

She's a very patient person and is very neat.

"What time is it."

I say squinting my eyes as I'm looking up at my ceiling.

As I get up from bed with my hair tangled with my pony tail band on my bed , I remembered that I'm moving today !

I stand in front of my mirror looking at my Polaroid photos I have taken with the friends I had met here.

I love them so much ,

" I'm really gonna miss you guys."

I say as I take one off my mirror and hold it in my hands.

" Beth ! Come eat your breakfast , you'll be late for school !"

Oh yah ! My names Elizabeth but everyone I know calls me Beth.

My mother doesn't leave until after I leave for school so she rushes me so she can go to work on time.

I hate it.

I haven't even dressed my self up and it's already 7:00 am , school starts at 7:54 and it's not far from where I live I can literally walk it if I wanted to But I take the school bus and that shit takes forever to arrive ! I make my way down stairs ( still in PJ's ) seeing my mom putting an egg omelet on a plate for me .

" Mom just leave the food there I'll eat it in a little bit don't worry"

" Alright fine but make sure you eat okay , I don't want you starving at school ! Okay bye I love you have a good day mama."

She says grabbing the back of my neck pulling me in to kiss my cheek as she grabs her jacket and purse heading out the front door.

" Mom you forgot your keys ! "

I yelled as I was making my way out the house with a small chuckle.

" oh my god thank you mama ! Okay bye ! Oh and make sure you go to Anthony's school to pick him up and sign him out for me okay , love you "

She said entering her BMW and starting the car while opening the passenger window to talk to me.

My mom always forgets her keys when she leaves to go to work, I find it amusing when she's in a rush and can't find anything she needs.

I head back inside after watching and waving goodbye to my mom.

Rubbing my left eye and closing the door behind me I turn back and see a boy walking in front of the house, I literally placed my face on the glass part of the door as my eyes followed him walking across my lawn.

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