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I was in total shock at the fact that the neighbors next door , wrote a letter for me !!! I completely forgot why I was yelling at my mom for and ran up stairs taking the envelope with me. I opened my door and locked it behind me and sat at the edge of the bed.

The envolpe had a white flower pattern with a baige backround color.

I thought that maybe this was a prank they were trying to pull off.

There was a signature at the back but I couldn't recognize who's it was. I noticed a sticker that I knew I've seen before but couldn't really remember where.

weird where did this Come from ? Oh right !!! It was a sticker Jeon had on his binder the day he joined our class.

but why would my neighbor have his bi---
Wait .........

I yelled in my room dropping the envelope.

" HES MY NEIGHBOR !!!!! Wait ... I remember ... "

I said as I was pacing in my room.

"my last day .... The boy !! OH MY GOD !! How did I just let that slide !! "

Jeon had walked in front of my house but I never thought he came from the house next door.

The envelope read:

" Dear , Beth
The reason I'm writing you a letter is because I didn't have any other way of contacting you. So I thought why not write a letter and hope she reads it when she gets back. This is basically an apology letter. I don't want you to see me as the bad guy. I was kind of , well maybe just a little bit excited and the atmosphere just felt right at that moment. You were just in the right place in front of me and you did things. You moved in ways I never thought would make me feel like that. I Kept going because I felt that you wanted it to. I never felt that way with a girl. So I was kind of hoping for a second chance maybe ? If you want to start over you can let me know in the morning.
Sincerely , Jeon jungkook "

" He wants me to forgive him for what happened that day !?!

It was already midnight and I wasn't able to sleep. I was to focused on what that boy was doing over there.

I wonder what he did today ?
Did he shower ?
Wonder what kind of shampoo he uses?
Is he asleep right now ?

As I asked my self those questions and looked outside my bedroom window. Noticed that there was a light on in one of the rooms.

"Wonder if that's his room ? "

I grabbed a pair of binoculars and took a look.

It was blurry at first and couldn't tell where I was looking its was to close.

I found the room with the light on and saw someone's arm waving around as if they were struggling with something.

I leaned more to the edge of my window to get a better look and saw a guy taking off his clothes.

As soon as I saw their rock hard abs and muscular butt and biceps I quickly dropped down feeling my face get hot and threw my binoculars trying not to see his " friend ".

"OMG !!! Who is that? "

I quickly crawled to get my binoculars before getting up to look back at him again.

I slowly check back squinting my eyes as I'm trying to focus the lens.

It's Jeon.

He had already got clean fresh clothes on and was barley turning off his lights to go to sleep.

I saw him lay down on his bed and grabbed his phone and earphones.

I couldn't really see what he was doing on his phone but I saw him get lotion and a tissues

"Why does he need tissues and lotion ? "
I asked my self out loud.

He grabbed the lotion and put it all over his hand.
He then put his hand under the blanket he covers himself with.

"Wait a minute ....


I zoomed in as close as I possibly can with the lens and was able to see his phone.


He was covered with his blanket and I noticed that his bulge started getting bigger with every second that passed by in the video.

Grunts shot out of the room.
And I was able to hear every single one.

He kept stroking his bulge and arched his back making him look up at the ceiling. His eyes were closed from the pleasure he was giving himself.

He licked and bit his lips every time he saw the guy grab the girls boobs as he was fucking her.

A part was coming up where the girl was now on top of the guy and you could get a clear shot of the penetration.
He continued going faster and faster following the same speed as in the video.

I could see the blanket going up and down.
Until eventually he removed the blanket revealing his "friend" and began stroking faster.

His face was clenched waiting for himself to release. As the it squirted out his faced relaxed with an open mouth and he finally opened his eyes and grabbed the tissues to clean up his mess.

Once he was done he got up to close his blinds.

I quickly got down letting my binoculars drop from my window.

" Damn it ! "

I said with an angry tone.

" You idiot !! ."

It seemed as though he didn't hear or see it fall.

I took a peek and saw that his window was completely closed .
I took a big sigh of relief and closed mine a swell.

I went into my bathroom and sat on the toilet with the lid closed down.

I got up and washed my face in the sink with cold water and looked at myself in the mirror in disgust.

Me watching something like this live is just wrong and weird. I've only ever seen this type of stuff on anime and drawings.

" I don't think I'll be able to see him the same again. "....

• FIN •

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