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After I picked him up and signed him out of school we went home.

I started getting my keys out of my backpack and unlocked the outer door of my house.

Then unlocked the inner door.

I placed my backpack and sweater that I was wearing on my couch and just laid there.

Look up at the ceiling thinking about Jeon.

I couldn't focus on anything, i was making some food for me and Anthony but couldn't use plates because they were all packed in boxes ...

So we used plastic ones.

I made PB&j's and hoped that we would get full with that.

Hours passed by as we were finishing packing up our stuff, i helped him get his suit cases ready and out so when my mom comes we can just pack and go.

My mom is not coming with us she'll just drop us of and make sure we get everything and know which gate to go to.

It was 11:37 at night and we were still waiting for our mother to arrive.


My mom was telling us how we need to respect our dad and talk to him more even tho he's not there all the time and telling us to behave and take care of each other.

She found a parking spot at the airport and helped us get our things out of her car.

We were walking in and I saw SO MANY ASIANS !!! THEY WERE SO BEAUTIFUL!!!

They were beautiful walking statues !!

With pale skin.

We were in line waiting to get our lugage weighed and our boarding passes to korea .

Oh yah i forgot to mention my dad is korean and my mom is a latina american.

So im half hispanic and korean, but i dont speak a word of korean.

Luckyly my dad speaks english.

It was 2:39 am and my mom had already left, Anthony had fallen asleep on the chair next to me.

All I could think about was Jeon , he was in my mind all day.

I feel terrible at the fact that I let the boy do all that to me.

BUT DAYM IT WAS HOT AF!!!! The fact that he did that to me , and I let him for a while, but luckily I came to my senses and did the right thing.

I was so tired but didnt have a choice to sleep, i had to stay awake to hear when the plane was ready to leave.

I was getting so many messages from my friends and family, telling me to be carful and be safe.

I was in this group chat with my friends and stayed texting them the whole time until 3:00 am.

; Group chat ;

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