meeting people

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Katelyn & Aphmau

Katelyn:Hey Aph you wanna join a group chat ? xx

Aphmau:Yeah I need to meet some people.xx

Katelyn:Good You'll like the people.xx

Aphmau:Who's it with???xx

Katelyn:Just some friends from school.xx

Aphmau:Oh okay xx

*group chat*

Katelyn:hey I brought somebody with me...


Garroth:What's their name?

Laurence:Have I met them

Jeffory: I bet their a girl...

Dante:They are in this chat right now???

Aphmau:Yes I am and I am a girl.


Katelyn:This is Aphmau.

Laurence:hey ;)

Lucinda:Laurence leave Aphmau alone.


Garroth:What should we talk about???

Katelyn:I guess y'all could introduce yourselves to Aphmau...

Garroth:I'm garroth and I am 18.

Laurence:I'm Laurence and I am 18 too.

Lucinda:I am 17 and names Lucinda.

Dante:I'm Dante and 17.

Jeffory:Hey I'm 18 and Jeffory.

Aphmau:This group seems nice. :)

Lucinda:So where are you from Aphmau.

Aphmau:I am living in Phoenix Drop but Katelyn and I used to live I Okhasis.

Katelyn:Yeah let's not talk about that...

Garroth:Hey I used yo live in Okhasis.

Aphmau:Really you did?

Garroth:mabey we knew eachother .

Laurence:oh no...*chucks phone *.

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