staying at his

128 9 14

Aphmaus P.O.V

So I got everything makeup bag check,sunglasses check,hats check,head bands...(many others too.)So my suitcase is packed full I should just head there in my pj's (a pair of purple shorts and a black vest) because then all I'll need is tomorrows outfit.I have got to head to Garroths because I'm getting a bit tiered I have to drive to his now.I go down the stairs with my suitcase and see Garroth at the door about to ring the bell I run to the door and slowly open it as if I didn't know he was there...

Aphmau:Oh hi Garroth.

Garroth:Aphmau I was just about to ring the bell.

Aphmau:Well looks like you don't need to anymore.*kisses him on cheek*.

Garroth:You ready?

Aphmau:Yeah let me just lock up.

I walk out the door make sure all the lights are off I already asked Kawaii~chan (the person next door)to watch my house.All I have to do is lock the door so I do.'click'

Aphmau:Okay let's go.

Garroth:Come on then.

We get in his car and then drive to Garroths.We get out the car in get in his house.

Gartoth:Hey Aph?


Garroth:You want to watch a movie?

Aphmau:Why not .what movie?

Garroth:The boy

Aphmau:Yeah in you living room ?

Garroth:Yeah*puts Netflix on*

Garroths P.O.V

I jump on the couch next to Aphmau and she scooches really close to me I knew we weren't going to sleep tonight.Aphmau began to shiver.

Garroth:Aph do you want me to get a blanket?


I am going to get a blanket off the shelves and take it back into her then jump back in the spot I was in and she soon snuggled back up to me this time I put my arm over her shoulder. I started the movie.I felt a pair of eyes staring at me I looked down and saw her looking at me I slowly kis her head she smiles then hugs me more.

Aphmau:G-garroth it may be to early but,i-i love y-you.

Garroth:It's never too ealrly I love you too with all my heart.

Aphmau:Awwww your too cute.

There was a loud crash we jumped and looked around I guess we both forgot about the movie.I give a slight chuckel it was a little funny.


Garroth:Shhhhh*kisses her*

I kiss her and she kisses back I love this girl so much.

Aphmaus P.O.V

H-he kissed me I just had to kiss back I love him.We both pull away at the same time.

Aphmau:I love you so much you mean the world to me.

Garroth:Well guess what.

Aphmau: What?

Garroth:I love you more cos you are my world and my whole universe .

OMI he is so so amazingly cute.I love him more than anybody in the world.I feel the darkness take over my body.I am asleep.

Garroths P.O.V

She's asleep I should lay her down.There we go I need to put all the bags at the door and get us some bottles of water and a few packed of buble gum for the plane I could ask everyone to meet her okay I will oh but its 1:00am okay the limo will be here in an hour I'll just tell them to meet here...

*Group chat *

Garroth:Hey guys can you all meet here at mine please?

Jeffory:Yeah sure.

Katelyn:Jeffory can you pick me up please?

Jeffory:Of course I will <3

Katelyn:Thanks Jeffory <3

Laurence:I'll be on my way now.

Lucinda:Can you pick me up please I am not allowed to drive this late.

Laurence:Yeah sure be there in a sec.

Garroth:When you get here please be quiet.


Katelyn:Actually why?

Lucinda:Yeah what's up with that?

Laurence:I bet he's got some girl there.

Garroth:No I haven't .

Katelyn:You better not have cos I have already told you?!?!?

Garroth:I know don't worry I love this person with all my heart now you should all go cos your driving.

Lucinda:I'm not.

Katelyn:Me either lol.

Garroth:Bye see ya soon.

*Girls chat*

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