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'Where is Sahil?'

Mrs. Rawat, who clearly, was on the edge of her nerves. This time she shouted,'I don't know! I said I don't know where is Sahil! Yes, we had got a mail saying Sahil had been thrown out of the school. We were very upset. But then we got a call saying that it was all a mistake. Some other child had been rusticated and by mistake they had mailed us because their enrollment had been done around the same time, so there had been some confusion. They said they were sorry for the inconvenience. We were very mad at them and had even threatened to sue. But they apologized repeatedly so we let the matter be. This is what had happened and I am telling the truth.'

There was a silence for a few minutes that was broken by Kabir. He asked,'What was that money he was talking about and that tuition centre?'

'He mentioned about a tuition centre near his hostel where most of the students from his school went. He said that there, the environment is very good, the teachers are friendly and very nice, so he wanted to join over there and needed 30,000 rupees for that.' Mrs. Rawat replied.

Kabir nodded and DSP Singh said,'And you gave him the money. Right?'

'Yes. We asked him if he needed us to come over there for the admission, but he declined saying he'll manage. Now I know why he said that,' Mrs. Rawat was clearly furious at her son.

Kabir said,'So this is what happened. Sahil was rusticated from his school around a month back, but he made sure his parents don't come to know about it. He also asked his parents for some money, so that he could join a tuition centre back in Dehradun, but as we all know, he did no such thing. Instead he joined our coaching centre and after what he did today, he has crossed all his limits. But the thing is, if he's not at his home, then where is he? Where's he staying? Somebody must be helping him and......'

'....…..and we have to find out who that is. You are right, Kabir. Mrs. Rawat, we need all his old friends' numbers,' DSP Singh completed his sentence.

Mrs. Rawat replied,' I'm sorry, but I can't help you with that.
I don't have the number of any of his old friends. Sorry.'

All of them were disappointed but there was nothing that could be done. So they decided to use other ways to catch him. Now, it was time for them to leave.

The DSP decided to leave a few policemen over there in case Sahil came back. Before leaving he told Mrs. Rawat to inform him if Sahil comes back. 'If he comes back or even tries to contact you, I should be the first one to know about it.'

Mrs. Rawat nodded meekly and said,'OK', while still sobbing. After this DSP Singh, followed by the rest went out. Once outside, he instructed some of his policemen to stay back and keep a watch. He then proceeded towards his car. Kabir followed him but stopped when he noticed something. He turned back to see Anusha and Kritika standing behind silently, looking scared and nervous. He walked back up to them and asked them what happened.

They looked at each other and then back at him. Then Kritika answered him saying,'I am very nervous. If today, he would have got caught, I would have felt a bit relaxed. But knowing that he is still free and even his mother didn't know about him, it is a bit tensed situation.' Kabir tried to assure them saying that,'Though Sahil did not get caught today, he would soon be. He would be coming to the tuition. And as he doesn't know about this police case, he would be coming. Then he would surely get caught.'

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