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Bae Ara

Why is he changing so much?

"Ara...why are you so quiet?" Yoongi asks while playing with my hair.

I pull away slightly and look at him. "Yoongi, why are you so different?"

Yoongi smiles. "I figured it out. The reason why I am ignored was because of how I looked. I needed a more approachable look so I decided to just do it."

I nod. "I see....."

There was an awkward silence.

He's not the Yoongi I found and wanted to help.

I didn't know what to do....

Maybe he's fine now.

"Well, Yoongi. Today is a fresh new day, so let's go out!" I clap my hands together.

"Out? Together?"

"Outside! To the outside world! Let's go to the town plaza." I grab Yoongi's hand and we go out the door.

"Is that safe?!" He whines.

"As long as you're with me." I turn back to smile at him.

He turns red and nods.

We walk together towards the city. I didn't live too far, but it was not a short walk. The view makes it worth while, though.

"Wow, I've never seen trees look so beautiful." Yoongi exclaims while staring at the cherry blossoms.

"The world is beautiful. You just need to someone to show it to you the right way." I say quietly.

In the corner or my eye, I see Yoongi stop and look at me. I pretend not to notice and just stare at the birds and butterflies flying around.



"You know...You know you're beautiful right?" He asks with a serious look.

I blush. "I can believe I am."

"That's good, because your beauty isn't something that can't be taken for granted. It's something that can't be hidden easily." Yoongi spits out really flattering words. "It's pretty amazing how stunning you look. Even I get butterflies when I look at you."

I smack his arm lightly. "You're being too nice, Yoongi."

He just smiles and takes my hand. "I'm just happy."

"Why are you happy?"

"Because life is slowly coming back."


We made it to the plaza and surprisingly, it wasn't as busy.

A lot of couples....

As we were walking, girls smile at Yoongi and Yoongi smiles back.

I raise my eyebrows, unwillingly.

"Uh...Let's get a drink." I offer and tug on his sleeve.

He nods and suddenly kisses my cheek.


I hold onto my cheek and turn away.

He grabs my hand and we enter an ice cream shop.

"Let's go in here. Looks delicious." Yoongi smelling the shop.

I nod.

We walk to the front and order.

As we head back to our seats, Yoongi makes me sit on his lap.


"Shh, just let it happen. I won't try anything." Yoongi whispers to me while keeping his hands on my waist.

I let out a breath and relax in his arms.

This is quite uncomfortable.

I look around the little shop and see couples doing the same thing we're doing.

Or....we're doing the exact thing they're doing.

Min Yoongi

People were looking at me.

Smiling too!

It's because of my new looks?

I bet.

I felt so alive and healthy after so long.

It feels good.

I feel good.

Hopefully Ara feels good too.

Girls were whispering about me while giggling.

I wonder if that's a good thing.

I see two lovers.

Holding hands.

Kissing each other.

Being close.

I turn to Ara and kiss her cheek.

Ara reacts with a shocked face, but I had a feeling she liked it.

I pull her inside a shop with ice cream on the windows.

We order and sit down.

Many eyes were on us.

Like we were king and queen.

It felt nice.

My eyes catches a couple with the girl sitting on top of the guy's lap.

The girl is loving it.

I pull Ara onto my lap and tell her to just let it happen.

This is what couples do right?

In the outside world?

Boy meets _____
Boy meets society

Boy Meets _________ ||BOOK 1|| Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now