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Bae Ara

As we were eating ice cream on a beach at the park, Yoongi leans in and kisses my cheek.


I blush hard and look away.

This doesn't feel like how some people describe it.

"Yoongi...I have something to tell you." I finally get the courage to talk.

Yoongi smiles. "Yes, babe."


"I-I don't know where you're getting all this, but...." I look around the park. "What I'm trying to say is......really, I don't think you're getting me....wait, let me finish...hold up-"

Smooth, Ara. Very smooth

"I think I know what you're trying to tell me." Yoongi sighs.

Oh, thank you!

His hand touches my knee.

Never mind.

"You think it's a bit cold now that we ate ice cream."


I stomp my feet. "Yoongi! That's not it! I'm trying to say something-"

Yoongi looks away and stares at the couple on the other bench. The girl was on the guy's lap while feeding him grapes.

Yoongi turns back around and smiles. "You should tell me..." His hands grab onto my waist and tries to lift me up.

I scoot away from him. "Listen, Yoongi! You can't be comparing your beginning to somebody else's middle!"

He tilts his head. "I don't get what you're saying."

"I see you, Yoongi. I see you looking at other people and COPYING them! You see what they're doing and you do it. You do it to me and it's not right. That's not how it goes."

"Ara, can't you see I'm trying! I'm trying to live my life again after having it almost taken away!"

"I know, Yoongi. And I'm helping you get it back. Why don't you trust me and do things slowly? Can't you be patient? I'm trying to be easy with you because...LIFE ISN'T EASY! You can't go around copying people and think you're going the right way! That's how most people lose themse-"

"I feel like I am doing the right thing, Ara. For once, I'm happy. Why can't you accept that? Didn't you want that? I am HAPPY! I like the change and I want to stick with it! I am patient, Ara. I've been patient for years now and THIS is my reward for waiting so so long."

"This isn't how it goes. Life won't be right if you do it like this! You can't copy people and think it's right because they are doing it! Now it may seem like it's fine, but later it won't be the same! That's how life gets you. That's how life tricks you! You can't do this, not in my watch!"

"Then maybe I don't want to be in your watch." Yoongi stands up.

"Yoongi, please-"

"You talk about the good things about life....now you're talking about the bad. From what I hear, the bad outweighs the good! I can do what I want because my life is back AND I DON'T NEED YOU ANYMORE!" Yoongi throws his ice cream on the ground.

I stand up. "Yoongi, that's not-"

"What, Ara? Wasn't I taught to live how I want. IT'S MY LIFE ANYWAYS!" Yoongi walks closer.

I shake my head. "It's not as easy as that, Yoongi! Trust m-"

"These people were the same people who ignored my ENTIRE PRESENCE for years and years! Now, they're smiling at me! Looking at me! Acknowledging me! It's been forever and it feels refreshing to have it back! I care for results, Ara."


"I don't need your help anymore."

Yoongi pushes past me with a rough arm and I was thrown back on the bench.

I couldn't help but feel nervous and helpless after that fight.

What's gonna happen now?

Min Yoongi

That girl has some nerve doing that to me.

Telling me being happy is the wrong thing.

Girls don't make sense.

Still...until now...

I can't believe it.

How does she not know how much I went through?

She was lying....

When she said she went through what I went through.

I should've believed my first instinct.

I actually scratched out a bit of happiness and it's taken away from me in a snap!

I should know....

Never listen to strangers.

Especially ones with a pretty face.

Boy meets _____
Boy meets doubt

Boy Meets _________ ||BOOK 1|| Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now