Coming home

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*at the Rooney house in Stevens point,  Liv and Maddie are 17, they walk into the living room from the kitchen arguing with their mother*
Liv: but mom!
Mom: that's final
Maddie: but why?!
Mom: because it's been 7 years
Liv: but she doesn't belong here
Mom: Olivia! She's your sister
Maddie: mom it's true
Mom: Madison! Girls you were all so close when you were kids
Liv: and we grew apart
Maddie: yeah she better off in New York with aunt Katie going to genius school
Mom: girls don't be so mean, she misses you guys, she hasn't been home in forever
Maddie: that's the point we don't even know her anymore
Liv: and we're not little kids anymore, she was never very good at being social anyway
Mom: now you know that's not her fault
Maddie: we do mom and we love her, she's our sister but she won't like it here
Mom: she's the one who asked to come back
Liv: ugh why does Maya always ruin everything
Maddie: MOM!
Liv: please don't make us share with her at least
Mom: where else would you like her to sleep?
Maddie: Liv just give up she's not gonna change her mind
Liv: but Maddie, you know what happened the last time we saw her
Maddie: I know but moms right it's not her fault she has issues with socialising she has a real problem and we never really spent enough time to get to know her properly, she's our triplet, she makes us a whole so we should at least give her a chance
Liv: I guess you're right but I still really don't want this
Mom: well she'll be here tomorrow afternoon so try harder
Liv: tomorrow?!
Mom: yes end of story
*mom leaves*
Maddie: I hate it too but come on it won't take her long to realise she doesn't belong here and go back to New York, she never really wanted any part of us anyway
Liv: whatever but I swear to god she touches my stuff without asking I'm gonna lose it
Maddie: okay now come on let's go, were supposed to meet willow it like 20 minutes
Liv: whatever
*they leave*

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