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*hearing all the commotion Maya runs downstairs and sees her sister on the floor in tears*
Maya: m..maddie? What's wrong?
*maya feeling very uncomfortable in emotional situations*
Maddie: you were right, Josh was cheating
Maya: oh
Maddie: I'm so sorry Maya, should've believed you
Maya: you didn't want to believe he could be such a jerk, it's okay
Maddie: no it's not, I'm an awful sister to you, if Liv had've said that I would've believed her in seconds
Maya: I've never been the closest of people to you
Maddie: but that's not your fault, I never knew it at the time but I do now
Maya: what?
Maddie: I know you have Aspergers
Maya: what?! How?
Maddie: I heard mom and dad talking about it
Maya: oh
Maddie: I'm really sorry I never tried to help you
Maya: you didn't know, I barely even knew, it's not really bad I don't have a very severe case I'm more problematic with contact and sometimes emotions
Maddie: when did you find out?
Maya: mom and dad took me to get tested when we were about five, they never told you and Liv or Joey because they thought you'd be mean to me about it
Maddie: knowing us back then we probably would've and I'm so sorry for that
Maya: it's okay
*a few more tears roll down Maddie's cheeks*
Maya: I'm really sorry your boyfriend was such a jerk
Maddie: me too
*she tries not to cry*
Maddie: can I...uh I mean...am I allowed to hug you? Is that okay?
Maya: yeah I might not be very good at it but I'll do my best
Maddie: thank you
*she turns and hugs her sister who does her best to hug back even though she is extremely uncomfortable for her*
Maddie: if you're uncomfortable I can stop
Maya: I am....but please don't let go....I kinda like it
*liv walks in and sees them hugging on the floor*
Liv: what's going on?
Maya: Josh was cheating
Liv: oh my god Maddie I'm so sorry!
*maya and Maddie carefully get up together, still hugging and Maddie still crying, may kinda gives her to Liv and goes to leave them to it, thinking she's not welcome with Liv still until Liv hand grabs her wrist and pulls her back in*
Maddie: Liv Maya might not be comfortable with this
Liv: why not?
Maya: I have Asperger's syndrome
Liv: oh my god, I....I'm so sorry I never knew
*maya laughs a little*
Maya: yeah me and Maddie already went through the this and it's okay
Liv: okay
May: we're a mess aren't we?
Liv and Maddie: yep
*they all laugh and hug, Maya trying not to get super uncomfortable over it and does pretty well*

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