Telling Maddie

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*maya runs home and finds Maddie sat on the couch watching to with*
Maya: Josh?
Josh: umm yeah?
Maya: but I...I just saw you, in town with some girl
Josh: what girl? I wasn't in town, I was home all by myself
Maya: said her name was Kim
Josh: I don't know a Kim
Maddie: Maya you probably just got confused
Maya: but he's cheating on you Maddie he told me so himself!
Josh: I don't even know who you are, who actually are you?
Maddie: that's my silly confused sister Maya
Josh: you have another sister?
Maddie: it's a long story now Maya get out of here
Maya: but Maddie he's cheating on you!
Maddie: I tried to give you a chance and be your friend and you return that by accusing my boyfriend of cheating?! What the hell is wrong with you Maya, you're a freak, why did you have to come back here?! You were better off in New York! We were all better off with you in New York! You don't belong here and you never will!
*maddie turns away from her and snuggles into Josh, Maya face falls as she feels tears coming on, just as she goes to run upstairs she sees Josh turn and give her an evil smirk, za he runs straight up to their room, past Parker who tries to say something to her, she shuts the door and bursts into tears on her bed*
Maya: I didn't imagine it! That was him! He even said he was dating her, why does everything always go wrong for me here? Maddie's right.....I should've just stayed in New York
*meanwhile Josh wipes the smirk off his face the second Maya's gone, he tries to fake a smile so that Maddie doesn't suspect anything but shit that was close is all he can think, he's gonna have to get her sent back to New York somehow*

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