Mean to Maya

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*when Liv gets home from set Josh has gone home, Liv walks in to an angry Maddie*
Liv: hey mads...what's up?
Maddie: Maya
Liv: I told you she was no good
Maddie: ugh
Liv: let's go talk in our room
Maddie: can't
Liv: why?
Maddie: she's there
Liv: what did she actually do?
Maddie: came up with some bullshit about Josh cheating
*liv suddenly remembers a rumour she'd heard about him being a bit of a player but just shakes it off*
Liv: I tried to warn you she was trouble, she may be a super smarty pants but she's really terrible when it comes to life
*maya who was walking down the stairs just as she says that hears everything but stays hidden to listen*
Maddie: ugh yeah I know, I just wish we were twins you and I, no Maya, imagine what that would be like
Liv: the last two years of our lives?
Maddie: good point
Liv: but I wish she'd just go back to New York
Maddie: we'll just have to make her
Liv: what you thinking?
Maddie: gimme until tomorrow then I'll get back to you
Liv: you do that
Maddie: I'm gonna go shoot some hoops for a bit have fun
Liv: bye
*maya ran upstairs to her room and bumped into Joey, quite literally almost knocking them both to the ground, he steadies them both them stops her from running away*
Joey: what's up New York?
Maya: don't worry about it, you'll just end up hating me too, my own triplets hate me why shouldn't you too
Joey: what?
Maya: I caught Maddies boyfriend cheating but she think I'm lying, like I'm trying to ruin her life, I swear I'm not, I'm socially inept not a bitch
Joey: Josh? Cheating?
Maya: Joey I swear I'm telling the truth
Joey: alright I believe you, you never were good at lying
Maya: yet another reason they don't like me
*joey goes to hug her but she stops him*
Maya: uh I...I'm not really good with like hugs and stuff
Joey: oh sorry
Maya: no I'm sorry....but I'm working on it
Joey: could you try it?
Maya: I...I guess
*he pulls her into a hug like a protective brother, he puts his arms around her and she just kind of stands there awkwardly*
Maya: this is really uncomfortable for me
*joey goes to say something*
Maya: please don't stop
Joey: I won't sis
*she puts her hands awkwardly on his back in an attempt to hug him back*
Joey: I'll help you show Maddie about Josh and if you tell Parker what you just told me I'm sure he will too
Maya: thanks Joey
Joey: you're my sister, it's the right thing to do

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