Josh's last stand

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*we pull away to see Josh glaring at us angrily*
Josh: hey what're you doing kissing my girl
Maddie: I'm not YOUR girl, I haven't been since the day I found out you cheated on me
Josh: it's cute you think it's that easy to get rid of me
Diggie: are we gonna have a problem?
Josh: we already do
Diggie: you know I'm not afraid of you
Josh: well you should be
Maddie: I think it's more the other way around, you should be afraid of him
Josh: ha yeah like that's gonna happen
*diggie takes a swing at Josh and clips him in the jaw pretty hard, knocking him to the floor*
Diggie: that was a warning, you ever threaten or even come near Maddie again I will beat you so hard your grandkids will feel it
Maddie: yeah so bye Josh, don't come back
Josh: I'll be back
Diggie: no you won't, because your just some stupid little chicken and a moronic brat who thinks he can do whatever he wants but guess what, you can't so get the hell away from me and MY girlfriend
Josh: twat
Diggie: and by the way she may be my girlfriend but she's no ones property because she's her own person
Josh: whatever
*josh struts away like an annoying and self-centred little peacock, clutching his jaw as he does*
Maddie: thank you
Diggie: I will always be here to defend your honour from pricks like him
Maddie: that why I love you
Diggie: have I told you how beautiful you look tonight
Maddie: you have now
Diggie: can I go show off how beautiful you are on the dance floor, it's a slow song
Maddie: I'm not a dancer
Diggie: just one dance
Maddie: alright fine
Diggie lets go
*he drags her onto the dance floor with them both smiling, he wraps his arms around her waist and she wraps hers around his neck, she rests her head on his chest and he kisses the top of it*
Diggie: happy birthday Mads
Maddie: thank you

The Third SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora