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I had to settle in a hotel that is only two miles away from the island. Dr. Hacker is in the room next to mines, but he hasn't return from his meeting. As for the strange boy, I found out his name is Wolf but it is only his dog name. He says that if I really want to know his real name, I have to work for it but I would just find it in the system.

Speaking of which, these files Dr. Hacker gave me makes me wonder who Toby really is. He has many diseases such as Tourette syndrome and the ability to not feel physical pain. He has this twitch too and it can cause his neck to crack; with that, the ones in his town gave him the nickname "Ticci Toby." It's a little sad that this person grew up with a sad childhood too like the fact that his only sister is dead. I hate that these files have so much personal facts about him too, but I can see why he went rouge. Well, I can't say that I do because I haven't experience any of what he's going through.

I place the files on the bed and lay my head back on the pillow. All this data is giving me a headache.

Knock. Knock.

Ah, now who can that be?

I walk to the door and peep through the hole in the door. I see a woman wearing a white, lab coat with a stack of files in her hands. Her golden hair is tied in a high pony and her glasses are uneven. She must be an intern.

I open the door and let her in. "Sorry to both - bother you Miss Harp, but I need to warn you about something about Toby." She places the stacks of files on top of the dresser.

"Toby? Is there something going on with him?"

"No! Nothing is wrong with him!" She turns to me and glares. "Toby is known as a person Miss Harp, so if anything happens to him, you are to blame."

"I don't get it, didn't you come to warn me about Toby?" I'm a little confuse with her actions.

"Oh yes, I came to tell you that Toby is aware of you coming."

"Isn't that suppose to be normal that the patient knows if someone is coming for them?"

She gives off an annoyed look. "Look, this isn't someone who you can just sit and talk to, Toby will find ways to break you so he won't have to deal with anymore psychologist. It doesn't matter if they bring in a young one, he won't budge so you might as well leave while you can."

"Why should I listen to you?" I ask confused. "Are you afraid that someone might snatch him away from you or something?" Her eyes widen; bullseye.

"L - listen, it's not that I care for him, I just don't him to hurt anyone else. I understand that you are doing this because it's your job, but you don't know what can happen."

Oh, I see.

"I understand that you are worried, but if my mind gets corrupted in the process, then I don't mind. I don't plan on quitting because of one little thing he can do to other people and I know that I might turn out to be one of them."

"And you are okay with that? You don't care what Toby can do to you?"

Reclusion (A Ticci Toby Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now