First Meeting

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SA Headquarters..

"This is your new job, Agent Nelson.." Mr. Choi said to one of his best Agents in UK, Jesy Nelson who's in charge of her team, she took the folder Mr. Choi is holding, sits on her chair and opens the folder she's holding, she saw a picture of two girls and looks at her boss, he take one of the picture and place it on the board

"This is the daughter of one of the richest business man in UK. Her father owns a lot of hotels here and all over the world, also some oil companies and high-end automotives.." Choi explained

"So what's wrong with them?"Jesy asked and looks at the other picture on her folder

"Well that girl and her cousin, Michelle Stewart Edwards are receiving death threats. The family doesn't know where it came from. We asked if there are some people after their business but they said no.."

"I can see that they already have plenty of bodyguards.."Jesy said

"So do they need personal bodyguards or not?" she added, asking their Boss

"Well her Father asked us to give them personal bodyguards as well.." Jesy nods her head and reads some information written on the papers, she closes it and looks at Mr. Choi

"Okay Sir, I'll arrange a meeting with my team so we can talk about this case.." she said and stands up

"I hope you and your team will do your best son in order to protect these two, four of them actually.."

"So there's two more?"Jesy asked, Mr. Choi nodded

"I'm still waiting for the details about them so I'll give it to you by morning. So can I count your team on this one?"Mr. Choi asked her, Jesy smiles and said

"Don't worry sir, you know that I have the best agents in this industry.." 

"I know that, that's why I gave this job to you.."

"You have my word Sir, we won't fail you.."

"Good! Oh by the way, I want to talk to Agent C.M later.."

"Okay sir, I'll let her see you after our meeting.." Mr.Choi taps her shoulder before he went outside her office, Jesy picks up his phone and call her girlfriend and inform them to tell the boys they have a new meeting in 30 minutes


"But dad, I'm not a kid anymore! I don't need a bodyguard!" A girl with sparkling blue eyes, shoulder length blonde hair told her father who's sitting in front of her

"Yeah you are not a kid anymore but still you acted like one. I hired a bodyguard for you and Michelle's safety.." he answered

"We can take care of ourselves dad, right Mich?" she asked her cousin who doesn't even bother to listen at them, Michelle is busy eating her breakfast but felt her cousins eyes at her

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