Payback Time

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I heard my alarm went off, I forcefully open my eyes and to get up from bed to do my morning routine. I took my phone beside this sleeping brat! Wonder why she has my phone? Oh let me tell it to you



"Agent Thirlwall? Yuhoo! Agent Thirlwall!" I'm trying my best not move and to shut my eyes so Perrie won't bother me but hell not

"I know you're still awake!" I open my eyes and shot her a glare "I can't sleep you know"

"Why don't you count sheep instead so you can sleep?!" I answered sarcastically at her

"I already did that but I lost count"

"You lost count?!"

"Yeah! One of the sheep didn't jump over the moon so I lost my counting after!"

Am I hearing this for real? A sheep didn't jump? – I ignored what she said and asked her what she wants

"Can I borrow your phone? I'm going to watch some videos on YouTube until I fell asleep" to make the conversation short, I gave her my phone and she smiled sweetly at me

"Oh do you have some headphones?" she asked

"Damn it Perrie! Can you just watch and let me sleep?!" I shouted

"Whatever!" I saw her push a button on my phone and it lit up

"No password? Cool!" I'm staring at her face for quite some time now and I didn't hear anything from her again

I can sleep now oh thank you mother nature!

I closed my eyes and started to drift off when I heard Perrie laughs out loud, I open my eyes again while she keeps on laughing

"Damn! This trailer is good! Can't wait to watch it on the big screen!" I decided to cover my face with a pillow to block all the possible noise coming from her

Please let me sleep! Please let me sleep! – As I heard another laugh from her


This brat didn't let me sleep at all! At first I can hear her laughing then she's crying then screaming and yelling! How the hell am I supposed to sleep?! To be honest, she stopped and fell asleep while watching but it's already 5 am in the morning when that happened and my alarm went off around 5:30! I glance at Perrie again and I hear soft snores coming from her. JB told me that she always wears lingerie when she sleeps that's why I felt kinda disappointed last night when she didn't

Jade its 5:40 in the morning and you're here staring like a pervert bodyguard!

I dial Jesy's number and told her to bring the keys up. As I wait for her, I'm thinking what our agenda is for today and the guys already got something about the Stevenson again. I can feel my eyes starting to get heavy when I heard a knock on the door, Jesy push the door open and I saw Tulisa and Leigh-anne following her from behind. She throws me the key and I remove the handcuff from my wrist and on Perrie's

"You look different today, Jadey? Something happened?" Leigh-anne asked me, I rolled my eyes at her when Tulisa and Jesy laughs

"This brat didn't let me sleep! I was awake the entire night!" I get up from the bed and grab the gun which I placed under my pillow

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