[Prologue] Back When It All Started

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He stood at the top of the gigantic clock-tower. It was the highest point of the city. It had changed drastically from the last time he visited the place. The magical city of Rieve was now a city filled with different machines. What used to be lush green fields were now towering buildings. Smoke was everywhere and fresh air was rare to find. It was now a mechanical city, yet he loved it. The gears were a magnificent sight, working together as if they had one soul. 

Thousands of airships hovered above him, ruffling his pitch-black hair. Yet he didn't falter, all that mattered to him was that tonight, he was going to be hunted again. They hated him. He was different from them. Yet the feeling was also mutual. He despised humans because they had taken everything from him.

He didn’t care. He liked what he had become. He was now a perfect being. However, he always wished that one day, it will all go back to the way it was, back when he was just a normal human with a normal life, back when he wasn't the monster known as "Etre."

 While thinking of this, he remembered what happened that awful day; how he became a monster, the first homunculus.

The city of Rieve was shattered to pieces. Blood covered his arms and his body felt like it was going to burst. The urge to kill was at its highest point. 

Hundreds of corpses lay before him, all of them in a pool of blood. He was confused. What had he just done? Why did he want to kill? He gave them meaningless deaths. But he was also somewhat joyful, the feeling of fulfilling his lust for blood was magnificent. It made him feel superior. It made him feel that all of them were just like ants.

A hand touched his shoulder. He looked back quickly, only to find that it was Cecaniah, the woman who gave him this power. She was covered with wounds and bruises. Blood was gushing from her mouth. Her once silky brown hair was now messy black. Her once emerald eyes were now crimson red.

"You did well." She smiled a very pleasant smile, yet it seemed as if there was a deeper meaning behind it. "Starting from today, wars will be wage, blood will flow, and all will be at stake. The future of the world will shatter because of the homunculus' embrace. A hundred years from now, we shall meet again, and that is when all trials will be ended."

She then vanished in the pool of red, a black scythe taking her stead.

His head ached from the confusing memory that he still can't fathom up to this day. The time was drawing near. It was the 99th year since the monster was born.

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