[Chapter One] The Day He Became A Hunter

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Fray sat at the metal bench while watching a large crowd go in and out of the large gate in front of him. The blazing heat of the sun touched his pale white skin while he drank the bottle of milk he bought at the nearby store. He hated the crowd. The smell of the humans made it even worse, he wanted to run away.

It was Rieve Homunculus Hunting Organization’s recruitment season again. People who were recruited to this facility would be known as “Hunters.” They were people who kill the homunculus, twisted creatures created by magic, in exchange for money.

“When are we going to enter this building?” A female snow elf that sat beside him tugged the sleeve of his shirt while asking. She was wearing a light dress and a beach straw hat. Her pale white skin, golden eyes and pointed ears were a proof that she was a snow elf. One of the few elven races who managed to survive the end of the age of magic. “We’ve been here since dawn. And I don’t have any plans to stay under the cursed sun any longer.” She complained.

“Shut up Cellina, I don’t have any plan to join this huge crowd.” He said, not bothering to look at her.

She stood up and went in front of him. “Fray Von Canyon, I have no intention of incinerating myself just because of a selfish demon like you, nor do I have any intention of wasting this chance to get my Hunter’s license just because of you too.” She crossed her arms and pouted. Her silver locks framing her perfect face. She would’ve been easily mistaken as a human if it weren’t for her pointed ears.

He was already used to her getting pissed at him. They always fought, though their arguments weren’t really serious, they always had quarrels. “Well, then you should wipe this crowd out of my face then. I wouldn’t mind burning under the hot sun. I don’t really have any intentions to be a hunter anyway.”

“Urgghh… sometimes I just don’t know if it’s a demon’s natural attitude or your just being stubborn again.” She grumbled. She knew she wasn’t going to win this argument. She never did. Fray always acted like an older brother to her, and he always stood his ground, but this was going overboard. She always wanted to have a hunter’s license, it was her goal, and she wouldn’t let her stubborn brother ruin this once in a year opportunity. “Fine then! I’ll go inside and register myself!” She said, as she ran to the buzzing crowd.

Fray panicked instantly. He knew that she would only cause trouble. She still had, more or less, a child’s mind. He followed her, shoving the people in front of him to get inside the building.

The building was also filled with people. Long lines were formed in front of what seemed to be the receptionist. Each of them were carrying registration papers, and every one of them looked strong. He saw Cellina at the end of the line. Her silver locks and pointed ears stood out from the rest of the people. Elves were rare to be seen since the end of the age of magic. He went to her. “What the hell were you thinking? Going here all of a sudden.” He said as he panted.

“See now? You can go pass the crowd if you just tried.” She grinned mischievously.

“Whatever.” He deadpanned.

He joined the long waiting line. It was already two hours past lunch, and the registration event ends at six in the evening.  “I wish the registration process would go faster.” He sighed.

Cellina looked at him in what seemed to be a mix of awe and disgust. “You really know nothing about hunters do you?” She said as she cocked a brow at him.

“Why would I even bother researching about them if I would eventually be one myself?” He smirked.

“Gross. I can’t believe that I actually treat you like my brother.” She said. Her golden orbs stared right into his amethyst-colored ones. His charcoal-black hair covered most of his forehead. His almost hidden horns and not-so-pointed ears signified that he is a demon. “Geez, I can’t even believe that you’re a demon.”

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