[Chapter Three] Let The Hunt Begin

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The Ship of Roses wasn’t given that name just because of nothing. Roses outlined the ship together with lush green bushes. Vines crawled through the pole of the ship. The fragrance of grapes can also be smelled.

Fray stepped into the ship together with Cellina, who was still shaking the dizziness off her. She had been vomiting since the last few minutes.  She latched onto Fray when he woke her up. “I… think I need a plastic bag again….” Cellina said as Seraphim gave her a plastic bag. She quickly snatched it and threw up again. “Remind me to never ride that car again.”

“Jeez, this is already your fourth plastic bag.” Fray said. He was sounding annoyed again.

“What can I do?” She said as she threw the now-filled plastic bag to a nearby garbage can inside the ship. “That Luxur turned my insides upside-down.”

“You’re exaggerating things.” He sighed. He stared at the ship’s crew. Most of them were tall, bulky men. They had black bandanas and a symbol of a rose was etched on it.

A short, plump man approached them. He had a curly mustache and his ears were pointed. He was a dwarf. He wore large spectacles. He also wore a brown coat and tattered khaki pants. He stood in front of Seraphim and bowed. “Welcome back, milady.”

“Raise your head, Franzel.” She commanded. “Didn’t I tell you already that I don’t like formalities within this ship? Do not think highly of me and treat me like a normal person.”

“I am sorry, Sera.” He said apologetically.

“It’s okay.” Seraphim smiled widely. Her dimples appeared. Fray had never noticed that she had dimples until now, maybe because he never really gave her any attention. He blushed when he realized that he was staring at her very intently.

“Sera?” Cellina asked her.

“It’s my nickname. I’ve known the members of this ship’s crew since childhood. I always liked being inside the ship when I was a kid. Thus, the crew members decided to give me a nickname.” She said as she looked at Cellina. “Both of you can also call me by my nickname if you want to.” She smiled.

“Really? Then Sera it is!” Cellina giggled playfully. She was no longer feeling dizzy.

“Well, it is much shorter than Seraphim.” Fray mumbled.

Sera just nodded in return. She called Franzel, who was making his way to what seemed to be the command room, “Are we not ready to depart yet?”  She shouted.

“Just a few more minutes ‘til the engine starts. The steam engines are currently producing steam-power.” He replied gently.

When Franzel was out of sight, Cellina immediately spoke up. “So that’s what a dwarf looks like.” She said quietly. She didn’t want to sound stupid. “I always thought that they were much bulkier.”

“Not really. Most dwarves have bulky bodies because their muscles are getting worked out when they are working.” She explained. “Franzel is just not like that. He loves studying. To him, knowledge is power.”

“How did you meet him?” Fray asked curiously.

“He was my father’s butler. When I became a hunter, he was reassigned to be my personal butler. I’ve known him ever since.”

He nodded lightly. Loud rumbling sounds rang their eardrums. The Hoverboat started flying away from the port slowly. The turbines were getting louder and the wind was getting faster. The sails of the boat were now opened.

“Skyline,” A crew member suddenly shouted from above. He was clinging to the tall pole where the sails branched off. “here we go!”

The crew members were getting busy. Some were taking care of the sails; some were navigating; and some hurried to what seemed to be the engine room. They were getting louder by each passing second.

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