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I walked around my classroom helping my students with their fractions as we prepared for the end of the day. We were coming up on the end of the year really quickly and the weather was beginning to break which was always a great feeling for the teachers and students alike.

"Ms. Hamilton, is this right?" I was asked snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yes, Dwayne! Great job!" I cooed before looking up at the clock. "Alright let's clean up."
"Yayy!!!" Everyone squealed just as ready as I was to leave.

It was Mother's Day weekend and I was excited to spend time with my baby boy. Zeek had planned a trip to Vegas forgetting that Mothers Day was the same weekend. I didn't mind because Kai and I were supposed to go out of town to visit family, but changed our minds at the last minute.

Once we were dismissed, I hurried home so that I could take Zeek to the airport. It was sad that I was actually excited about him leaving.
"Ezekiel!" I yelled as I looked at the time. His flight left and six which meant we needed to leave soon.

"In the bathroom, I'm almost ready! We still have time to chill for a minute" I heard him yell while I sighed placing my bags on the table where Zeek's Apple Watch lit up.

I took a peek around me to make sure he wasn't coming, before picking up the watch and easily guessing the four digit passcode. My heart raced with anticipation and hopes that I wouldn't find anything, but of course that was wishful thinking, because of course there was a message from an unsaved number with messages about meet up times. "What are you doing" text messages and my heart raced as I continued to scroll up wondering who he could be texting.

Bypassing inappropriate messages that I couldn't bear to read anymore, I continued to scroll up the long thread dating weeks, even months back, and my heart stopped when I read the name.

That indescribable "this can't be real" feeing washed over me as my body grew hot to the touch. "You have got to be fucking kidding me!" I screamed as I violently tried to wipe the unwanted tears from my cheeks.

I heard Zeek's footsteps quickly approaching, then come to a sudden halt once he saw the proof of his shadiness sitting in the palm of my hand.
"Xo, Kai is in his room." He whispered, knowing that his ass might've gotten stabbed.

I stood up slowly and watched him quickly back away. I could tell my silence was bothering him, but I was growing sick of him seeing me upset, hurt, and weak because he obviously liked me that way.
"Xora!" He called dropping his suitcases to the ground in preparation for whatever was coming, but I paid him no mind.
"Kai!" I yelled. "Come on baby."

I grabbed my purse and walked past Ezekiel like he wasn't there and made my way to my son's room.
"Xora, chill out yo we still have time, just hear me out. It's not even what you-"
"Don't don't even fuckin insult me and lie" I gritted emotionlessly. "Kai! Come on baby! Your daddy has. to. go." I told him knowing only Zeek would catch my double meaning.

Once in the car and settled, I took off in the opposite direction of the airport pressing my gas almost all the way to the floor doing eighty-five toward the mall.
"Xora! Come on yo you doing the fuckin most I told you-"
"This where you picked the bitch up and dropped her off at right? At her job? Well let's go then!" I said no longer bothering to mask my anger; I was livid.

With me driving like a mad woman, it didn't take me long to pull up to the mall parking lot and park in the fire lane with hopes that I wouldn't get a ticket. It wouldn't be long since her job was right by the entrance.
"You got a woman with a career and you wanna fuck with a bitch that sells sneakers for a living." I fussed as I got out of the car. "Kai, come on baby, let's get you some-"
"Leave him out of this, Xora"
"You shut the fuck up." I told him stopping in my tracks to stare into his fear filled eyes.

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