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The front door squeaked and I quickly locked my phone and sat it under my pillow before pretending I was asleep.

Anyone who saw me would think I was a child, trying to make sure my parent didn't see that I was still awake, but no. I was trying to fake sleep simply so I wouldn't have to deal with my child's father.

Zeek would come home and find absolutely anything to be upset about; the bathroom light was on, there were toys on the living room floor, I didn't do something that he asked and felt should be done because I was a stay at home mom.

In his mind, with me being home all day, the house should be spotless and dinner should be prepared every night and I wasn't supposed to get tired. I agreed with most of that, and did cook and clean daily. However, with a toddler walking around, a spotless house was unrealistic and me being awake and alert and horny at midnight when he got home from work was too. I mean, if he were a nicer person, I probably wouldn't mind staying up, but he wasn't. So here I was.

The bedroom door creaked opened and he chuckled bitterly before even walking through the door. He huffed and puffed while stripping his scrubs and sneakers from his body and stomping out of the room for a bowl of cereal, as if I didn't cook every night.

I paid no mind to the banging, stomping, and huffing taking place outside of my bedroom door in the living room. I simply rolled and over and got myself more comfortable hoping that soon I really would be sleep and unable to pay it any attention.

But when he walked back into the room and roughly flipped the light switch up, illuminating the room with unwanted brightness, I knew that I'd be up all night.

He mumbled obscenities and how I didn't do anything around the house, clearly hoping to get a reaction out of me. I was never one to be silent when someone constantly talked down on me. But I continued to play sleep, hoping that my silence would make him just take his ass to bed.

I felt the covers pulled back from my body and I sighed. "We're not doing this. Get up. You need to clean up."

Not even bothering to let him know that I did clean up and the toy car parked near the coffee table and the few sitting on top were inevitable with our lack of space in the one bedroom apartment, I just pulled the covers back and ignored him.

When he's unable to get a reaction, it pisses him off even more so before I knew it, I felt my body sliding up and soon I was completely off the bed and lying on the brown carpet beneath it.

"You're always too tired for sex, but you don't do shit all day. What the fuck should you be tired for?" He growled, pulling me into the living room ready to force me to pick up whatever was laying around.

"Stop fucking touching me." I yelled finally giving him the reaction he wanted while punching him all over his back and sides.

"You need to leave. What the fuck are you here for? You don't do shit, you don't satisfy my needs and you keep dwelling on the past thinking about what happened a year ago with another bitch." He yelled like whatever he said made sense somehow. His arguments always escalated to unnecessary places.

Of course I wouldn't want to have sex with him when he was being inappropriate with someone else. What woman in their right mind would?

"I'm not going anywhere without my child, you've got me completely fucked up." I chuckled before he continued to yell, curse and throw things while I sat on the coffee table, unbothered. This wasn't anything new with us so I was growing number after every altercation.

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