Chapter 24: Fight It

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AN: Marcel at the top

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AN: Marcel at the top.

I was hypervenilating, the walls seemed to be closing in on me as they all watched, trying to press myself against the wall as my eyes shifted around in a panic.

"You're lying. I'm -I'm real. I know I'm real." I choked out, frantically shaking my head as I brought my gaze up to the Demon, Assassin, and Vampire who all had torn sympathetic looks on their faces as they stared at me.

"Oh yeah, do you have any memory, any recollection whatsoever of anything before this week, before you made the wish." Marcel tested me as my clammy hands shook.

"O-of course I do! I was... I was..." I swallowed, my throat going dry as I tried to wipe at the tears of frustration that were welling in my eyes.

Why couldn't I remember?

This isn't true, I'm breathing, I'm here, I have a family, this is my room.

I'm real.

"Don't cry, it happens to the best of us- it really does. It's just too bad you were stupid enough to make that wish, taking us out of all of our stories and bringing us into yours." He laughed out, my head slowly rising up as I looked at his white clouded eyes.

"His eyes are still white. Get him out of yor trance!" I snapped at Demon Harry who was leaning against the doorway, looking exhausted as Marcel chuckled.

"I'm afraid he can't do that, you see, I don't want to be snapped out of my trance, and your princess over there is too weak to help you. He can barely even stand because the closer you get to him, the more his heart beats," He explained before he took out a knife from his jacket, twirling it around in his hand with a dimpled sadistic smirk.

"And the more his heart beats, the weaker he becomes." Marcel finished, watching the blade in his hand intently.

"Damn, he does do a better bad guy than me, I'm just- my pride is like, on the floor right now, and that chuckle, like I almost moaned. You think you can give me some pointers?" Demon Harry wheezed out, shaking his head as he leaned against the doorframe and slumped to the floor.

"Seriously." I said in exasperation, looking at the Demon.

"Sorry babe, I'm still on your side, promise." He said with an uneasy smile, giving me a thumbs up as the Vampire and Assassin exchanged looks.

"Babe?" They both sneered in unison, glaring at the Demon.

"Okay what I'm wondering here is, how did you get all the others to turn on me?" Demon Harry asked, trying to catch his breath as he looked at Marcel.

"Told them I'd give them a higher salary." Marcel shrugged in response.

"God fucking damn it! This is exactly why we don't have office parties anymore! That and because Karen's cupcakes are dryer than her knees I'm just saying!" Demon Harry exclaimed, snapping his fingers before he angrily pointed at Marcel.

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