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"Hey Dave" I ran over to him while he got his bag out of his locker

"Hey" He smiled

"Ready to go back to the Orphanage?" He sighed

"Not really" I looked at him

"I know a long way back if you wanna buy some time"

"Yeah" I smiled he then took my hand and we walked outa school

We were almost there I could actually see the Orphanage from where we were standing

"Damnit" I mumbled

"Hey language" He chuckled we continued walking till we got to a intersection as always we looked all ways and there wasn't a car in sight we started walking when we heard a car speeding towards off

"Rosie" Dave yelled I felt hands on my back I started falling to the ground I heard a noise but didn't see what happened

"Ow Dave you okay?" I asked as I started getting back up but nothing

"Dave?" I asked I turned around and saw him laying on the ground covered in blood

"Dave!" I ran over to him I checked his pulse I didn't feel anything

"No no no Dave please don't do this please" I started sobbing

"Help please Someone help!" I yelled then someone from one of the houses they came over and called 911

I was sitting in my room the funeral just ended I didn't feel any emotions I felt completely numb I walked into the bathroom and saw a razor blade I picked it up and walk back to my bed

"I'll be there soon Dave" I cried them dug into my wrist

"Rosie" I heard someone call my name but I didn't look to see who it was

"Rosie wake up" I heard them again I kept diging in deeper and deeper then things went black.

Mike's POV

I heard crying coming from Rosie's room me and Vic looked at each other and walked in she was having a nightmare we both walked over and sat on her bed

"Rosie sweetie listen to my voice your having a nightmare it's not real" Vic tried to calm her down her breathing became shaky

"Rosie" I shook her she didn't wake up

"Rosie wake up" Vic started to panic she then shot up and was gasping for air she started looking around the room she saw us and hugged us both

"Rosie it's alright it was just a nightmare" Vic rubbed her back she shook her head no

"It wasn't it was real this time" she cried into Vic's chest

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked she nodded and started telling us

After she told us she soon fell back asleep we both left the room

"What do we do now?" I sighed

"I don't know Mike" Vic sighed as well

"Well you go back to bed I'll keep an eye on Rosie" I walked back into her room and sat down on the floor in the corner of her room I sat there for awhile till I fell asleep myself.

Rosie's POV

I woke up and saw Mike passed out in the corner of my room I have a small chuckled I went downstairs to see Tony making breakfast

"Morning" I smiled I then sat down

"Hey sleep well?" He asked

"N- not really" I stuttered

"What's wrong" He asked

"It was just a nightmare" I sighed

"About?" He asked

"Her friend Turtle" I heard Mike say as he came downstairs then Tony set a plate in front of me I started eating I heard my phone go off I got tons of followers on all my social media's I smiled seeing who all followed me I then decided to take a photo and post it to Instagram soon the guys came in frame I chuckled and took the picture

Loving my new family ♡

I hit send and all the guys phones went off I then got a ton of likes and comments I then saw one from Kellin Quinn

Welcome to the family kiddo :)

I fangirled on the inside and went back upstairs to get dressed

I walked into my room and closed my door and broke down in tears all I could think about was Dave and my nightmare I got out my blades and made about 10 cuts on each arm I cleaned up and got dressed in a Asking Alexandria long sleeve dark red skinny jeans and Purple converse I put on a Batman snapback and went back downstairs

"You alright?" Jaime asked

"Yeah why?" I asked

"You just seem off" He walked over to me

"Well I'm fine" I smiled he just nodded

"Hey wanna go to the movies?" Vic asked we all gave a 'Fuck Yeah' which made us all laugh we all got in the car and Doubt by Twenty one pilots was playing

We got to the movie theater and walked in we were actually the only ones there and it's was dollar day so tickets, popcorn and soft drinks were only a dollar

After the movie we went out for ice cream again

After that we went home We walked in the door and I went up to my room real quick as I saw a little bit of blood on my sleeve I quickly cleaned my shirt and my arm I went downstairs and went into the backyard they didn't know but I brought a guitar with me when they brought me from the Orphanage I sat down and started playing If It Means Alot To You by A Day To Remember then I started singing

After I was done I heard a noise I turned around to see the guys standing there

"Looks like your not the only Talented Fuentes here" Tony noged Mike and Vic's arms I blushed

"Where you learn how to play and sing like that tiny Turtle?" Tony asked

"Taught myself" I shrugged my shoulders

"That was amazing" Vic smiled

"Thanks" I blushed again

"C'mon dinners ready" Mike took my hand and we went in

"What's for dinner?" I asked

"Tacos" Jaime smiled of course were having Tacos.

He guys so I'm really pissed off my brother almost got arrested tonight cause of some asshole then for some reason I can only update this story on my phone and nothing else so I'm going to finish writing the next chapter on my other book I'm working on real quick then I'm going to bed cause I'm not in the mood right now and also I'll try to try to post a chapter a day for this book but with my schedule being screwed up lately who knows well anyways enough of my rant I hope you guys enjoyed ♡

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