a Single Night Without a Ghost In The Walls

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Title credit King For a Day by Pierce The Veil.

It's been a few days and this cats will be the death of me I'm glad I'm getting it off next week I walked over to take a quick shower in a hotel we were staying in

"Hey you need help?" Mike asked

"No I think I got it" I smiled I then got in the shower

After I was done I blow dried my hair got dressed and did my makeup I also put on a Black beanie and walked out I put my clothes in my backpack and we all walked put to the bus I sat down at the table putting my face in my hands

"You okay?" Tony asked

"I don't know" I sighed

"I just don't feel like myself" I added

"Well what do you mean?" He asked

"Like a part of me has died or something" I sat there staring into space

"It's like I'm numb" I added

"It's it your depression?" He asked

"It's don't know what it is" I began to cry Tony then rubbed my back

"What do I do?" I asked

"To be honest I'm not sure" H sighed I then got up and hobbled over to my bunk and climbed in I put my headphones in and ignored the world.

Tony's POV

"Guys we need to talk" I sighed

"Alright" Mike crossed his arms

"Me and Rosie just talked she said she's been feeling numb like a part of her has died she said she doesn't think it's her depression" I sighed

"Fuck" Jaime mumbled we all looked at him

"Ever since the crash she's been acting different" He added

"Yeah I've noticed that" Vic questioned

"Should we talk to her?" I asked

"Maybe I don't know" Mike sighed

We soon got to the venue and Kyle came over

"Hey is Rosie awake?" He asked

"I believe so" Vic said

"Is everything alright" Kyle asked so we told him what Rosie said he sighed

"It's her depression" He ran his hand threw his hair

"Wait how do you know?" I asked

"My sister she felt the same way" he got tears in his eyes

"You guys need to keep an eye on Rosie okay please?" He begged we all nodded he then went in.

Rosie's POV

I waited till the guys left the bus when I went Into the bathroom and began slicing again

"Fuck" I sighed then I heard a knock on the door

"Be out in a minute" I began to clean up

"It's me" I heard Kyle

"It'll be out soon just finishing up" I made it sound like I was fine when deep down in I wasn't I quickly cleaned up and opened the door

"Hey babe" He kissed my cheek he then grabbed my hand

"C'mon lets go watch the guys... again" He chuckled I gave a smiled and we walked in

"Hey" Vic smiled

"Wanna help us?" He added I got a big smile

"Hell yeah" I chuckled Vic took my hand and we walked over and Vic handed me a mic and I sang my heart out but what I didn't realize is that they recorded the whole thing and posted it my YouTube channel

After sound check we went out to dinner at a diner down the road

We sat down and ordered and we're sitting there talking I started picking where I had cut earlier and again I didn't realize that Mike saw

"Rosie?" I looked up


"Show us" He asked

"Show you what?" I acted like I didn't know

"C'mon Tiny Turtle" Tony sighed I then sighed and held out my arm and showed them

"What's wrong baby girl?" Vic asked

"That's the thing I don't know" I sighed I then got looks by random people giving me the Eww looks the What a freak looks my anxiety kicked in I got up from the table and walked out I then ran down the street to the near Park and sat on the swings.

Vic's POV

"God damnit" I got up

"You guys stay here and get the food to go" I added I then ran off after Rosie

I heard someone running up behind me I turned around to see Mike

"I thought I said-" I began to talk but Mike cut me off

"She's my sister too" He smiled I nodded and we both ran off

We soon got to a near by Park and saw Rosie sitting on the swings thank God she didn't go far we walked over and sat on the swings beside her

"I'm sorry I just needed to get out of there" she said looking down

"Anxiety?" Mike asked she nodded just then the guys came running over with Kyle this time he kneeled down to Her and whispered something and she nodded he then took a look at her arm he got tears in his eyes and hugged her

We then got back to the bus and I made sure her new cuts were completely cleaned up and bandaged her up then it was ready to go perform

"Ready Tiny Turtle?" Tony asked Rosie smiled and nodded

"Well C'mon" He picked her up and she laughed I gave a small chuckle and we walked in and started performing.

Hey guys I'm going to try and post another chapter later cause I won't be able to post tomorrow cause I'M GOING TO GO SEE ANDY TOMORROW NIGHT ahhh I can't wait so anyways I do have to leave for a bit so I TTYL ♡♡

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