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It's been a few days and I've been more depressed then usual I've been getting nothing but death threats and hate comments on everything I post on Social media I kept it a secret from the guys and I've been cutting more

"Rosie are you ready?" Vic yelled up

"Yeah be down in a second" I quickly cleaned up my arms and went downstairs

"Okay ready" I smiled we all got in the car and went shopping again But this time it wasn't just for me the guys are getting ready for tour within 2 weeks and they said I could go we went to the mall and I got some luggage bags we then went to the store and got food and cases of Monster's snd some sodas we got back home and put stuff away

"Wait did we get anything for dinner tonight?" Jaime asked we just looked at each other

"Off to McDonalds " I raised my arm and started walking towards the door

After we came home from McDonalds we decided to watch a movie on Netflix

During the movie I got up to get a drink as I walked in the kitchen

Nobody here likes you why don't you join Dave and Fucking end it here and now your better of dead just fucking do it

Great the voices are back I held back the tears and got my drink and walked back over and Continued watching the movie but soon had to leave I started thinking about Dave and I couldn't take it I went upstairs and went into my bathroom I closed and locked the door I ran the bath I started sobbing maybe the voices are right no one likes me maybe their faking it cause they feel sorry for me? I grabbed my blades and and got in the tub with my clothes still on andtarted cutting this time deeper I got to my wrists and sobbed even harder


the voice snapped so I did the blood started gushing out that quick thing started fading I dropped the blade on the floor then things went black.

Vic's POV

Rosie ran upstairs about ten minutes ago she looked like she was about to start crying I went up to check on her I walked in her room and saw the bathroom door closed I heard sobs coming from the other side

"Rosie is everything alright?" I knocked on the door but no answer I kicked again but still noting

"Rosie open the door please" I began pounding on it soon the guys came up

"What's going on?" Jaime asked

"I think somethings wrong I've been knocking and she hasn't said anything and her doors locked" I began to panic

"Rosie open the damn door" I yelled I started to and bust the door open finally I got it opened

"Shit Rosie" I rushed over as I saw her unconscious in the bathtub filled with blood stained water

"Fuck" Mike came over and helped me get her out of the tub she was starting to turn pale

"Go start the car" I yelled soon Jaime and Tony ran down I then checked her pulse it was faint Mike picked her up and carried her to the car I began to cry

"Hold on Rosie just hold on" I cried as we sped off to the hospital

We pulled in and ran Rosie inside

"We need help!" I screamed a nurse rushed over with a stretcher I laid Rosie down and they took her back

"Fuck" I kicked a trash can I then sat down

"Why?" I sighed

After a few hours a doctor came out

"Rosie Fuentes?" She asked me and Mike both stood up

"Yes?" I asked

"We did what could and she's recovering" she started talking me and Mike sighed in relief

"We ran some tests she's has really bad Anxiety levels and has major depression" she added I ran my hand threw my hair

"Can we see her?" I asked the doctor nodded and said to follow her we started walking down the hall

We stopped in front of Rosie's room and we all got big tears in our eyes as we saw her threw the Window she was hook to different machines and she had a oxygen tube as well we walked and all you heard was the beeps from the heart monitor I walked over and sat down I took her cold hand Into my warm one and rubbed the back if it with my thumb

"What made you do this?" I cried

We all sat there in silence Jaime and Tony went to go get something to drink while me and Mike stayed with Rosie

Soon they came back with some water bottles and handed me and Mike both one

"Thanks" I sighed and took a drink

It's been a couple more hours and Rosie still hasn't woken up which worries me I felt something grip my hand I quickly looked over she started to awake

"W- Where am I?" She asked

"Your in the hospital you tried to kill yourself" I tried not to brake out in tears

"Oh" she sounded like she was going to brake as well

"What happened Tiny Turtle?" Tony asked

"Well-" she started talking but was cut off when the doctor came in

We soon went home and Rosie was quiet the whole time

"Rosie please talk to us" Mike begged she just stood there

"Please Rosie" Even I begged her she then walked out of the living room and went outside we all followed she was shaking and crying I went to bring her into a hug but she backed away

"No one wants me here" she cried

"What do you mean of course we do" I walked closer to her again she backed up she clenched her fists and began sobbing

" The Voices told me I was better off dead and that you guys didn't want me around" she screamed I hugged her tight as she cried into my chest

"Don't ever think that we don't want you here we're glad your finally in the family even though you've always have been" I smiled at her she looked at me with tears in her eyes

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry" She kept apologizing

"It's alright now" Mike then walked over and hugged her as well then Tony then Jaime

"Now how about we go have dinner" I smiled Rosie looked at me a nodded.

Hey guys so sorry if this chapter is shity I wrote half of it last night when I couldn't sleep and I was really tired then the other half when I just woke up anyways I gotta go do some stuff around the house then work on another YouTube video TTYL ♡

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