The Kiss

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Vic's POV

It's been a few months Rosie and her band have been working hard we were heading home to get ready to go on tour with them She was actually Talking to them on Skype now

As I was walking through She started laughing I haven't seen her this happy in a long time

"That's Fucking hilarious Dude" She laughed

"Vic come here" She added I walked over

"Okay Show him" She chuckled then Blaze did this weird face and stuck his tongue out to make it funnier I even started laughing

"That's Funny Blaze" I chuckled

"Thanks Vic" He smiled

"Well I'll let you Guys be" I patted Rosie's back

"Hey guys hold up" I heard her click something she then got up and tapped my shoulder I turned around

"What's up?" I asked she blushed and looked down

"Blaze wanted to know if me and him could go out once I got home?" She said nervously

"Rosie Your a adult now you Don't need permission to go out on a date" I chuckled

"So is that a Yes?" She asked smiling

"It's a yes" I chuckled she then hugged me

"Oh Thank you Thank you Thank You" She then jumped in excitement and went back to her laptop I chuckled and went to the back of the bus so she could have her space.

Rosie's POV

"So?" Blaze asked smiling

"He said yes" I smiled

"Sweet" He smiled bigger

"We should be home within a few hours then I'll get ready and we can go is that alright?" I asked

"That's fine" He chuckled Ohhhh I can't wait

After a few more hours we were home I hurried in put my stuff away took a quick shower did my makeup but realized I hadn't picked anything to wear

"Fuck Me" I groaned I then started going through my closet then I found the perfect dress

"Perfect" I smiled I then I ran back in the bathroom to change

After I got dressed I heard the doorbell I hurried up and went downstairs to see Blaze standing there he was talking to Vic and Mike oh god I hope there not lecturing him he then looked over at me

"Wow" Blaze smiled I blushed and looked down

"Now even though you two are adult's we want her back by midnight" Mike said I looked over at him

"What you need to be rested up enough so when you guys go on tour you wont fall asleep on stage" Mike chuckled

"I Understand I'll have her back by Midnight" Blaze Chuckled

"Okay well you two go have fun but not to much fun" Vic smiled we then got in Blaze's car and left

After the date which was perfect He took me Home

"Just in time too" He chuckled I looked at the clock and it was 11:08pm

"Yeah" I chuckled

"Hey wanna come in for a few minutes?" I added

"No I should get back to Alex and Nicki" He smiled I nodded

"Well Thank you I had fun" I smiled

"Yeah me too" He smiled looked at me then we Kissed

"Wow" I blushed Then I saw the outside lights turn on

"Well you better get in there" Blaze chuckled

"Yeah" I sighed I then got out of the car

"Again thank you for tonight" I smiled then went inside

"So how was it?" Tony nugged my elbow

"It was good" I smiled

"What about that Kiss?" Jaime smiled I looked at him

"Wait what Kiss we didn't Kiss" I Panicked

"It's Alright we know Ro" Vic chuckled

"Fine" I sighed

"It was amazing" I smiled

"Ohhh" Jaime said sounding like a girl while he held his hand up and moved his fingers I gave him the 'Dafuq' Look then chuckled

"Hey I'm going to bed Goodnight Guys" I went up to my room Changed into my pajamas and went to bed.

Ohhh so what do you think about Rosie and Blaze going out? Lol well I figured out a name for the new book it's going to be called Fearless Fight Until We Die I just don't know what Picture I like for the cover better and once I get the first Chapter wrote up I'll post it anyways It's getting late so I'm going to get ready for bed so Goodnight Everyone

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