Please Stay..

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Vic's POV

Its been two weeks since everything happened I haven't slept much ever time I close my eyes all I see is Rosie laying there on the ground bleeding to death then I hear the screams



Then her words fly around in my mind

"I'm not gonna make it"

"I'm sorry.... I love you guys"

I can't get them out of my head no matter what I do

"Vic?" I heard Jaime I snapped out of it and looked at him

"You alright?" He asked

"Not really" I sighed I then looked at my wrists

Maybe I should start again?...
I thought to myself

Mike must've knew what I was thinking

"She wouldn't want you to" He looked at me then Rosie

"Your right" I ran my hand threw my hair

"C'mon lets go get something to eat from the cafeteria" Tony suggested I didn't want to leave Rosie but she hasn't shown any signs of waking up anytime soon

After we ate we went up to Rosie's room and she wasn't gone and a couple nurses rushed in

"Where's Rosie Fuentes?" I asked

"I'm not sure sir we heard machines go off and came as quickly as we could" they ran out of the room how could my sister just disappear like that? We all went running.

Tony's POV

As we ran off something told me to head to the roof I asked a nurse of there was a way to get up there she pointed to the stairs I quickly ran over and started heading up

I got the top.of the stairs and got to a door I quickly caught my breath and opened it

There was a beautiful garden up here I started walking through when I saw someone sitting on a bench I walked over

"Beautiful isn't it" they turned around

"Hi Turtle" Rosie smiled.

Rosie's POV 30 minutes ago

I woke up not long after I heard the guys were going to get something to eat I knew Vic would've needed it I knew what I was about to do would Scare the gell outa him but I needed air I unhooked everything and rushed out of my room

I found a staircase that lead to the roof I'm assuming

I kept climbing the stairs till I got to the top I opened the door to see a beautiful garden I smiled seeing all the different types and colors of flowers I walked over to a bench and sat down I let out a small sigh

"Vic's gonna kill me when he finds me" I chuckled to myself shaking my head I then sat there in silence well not complete silence I had the chirping from the birds for company

After I sat there for awhile I heard the door open I heard footsteps I knew it wasn't Vic

"Beautiful isn't it" I smiled I then looked over

"Hi Turtle" I added he quickly hugged me he didn't say a word

"Someone's missed me" I chuckled

"More then you could imagine" He whispered he then pulled out of the hug and held out his hand

"C'mon we should go back down"

I took his hand and we started to walk back down

We got back to my room and I saw the guys pacing

"Ahh Hey guys" I smiled they all looked and saw me standing there they all hugged me

"Don't scare us like that" Mike said

"Im Sorry" I apologized then a nurse came in and hooked me all back up

"Where'd you go?" Vic asked

"The roof garden" I smiled

"Wait this hospital has a garden?" Jaime asked confused I nodded

"I'm glad your alright" Mike smiled

"Me too" Vic smiled as well

"All of us actually" He added

After we sat there and talked for a bit a nurse came back in

"I'm sorry but you gentlemen have to leave visiting hours are over" she walked back out they all let out a few sighs I grabbed a hold of Vic's arm

"Please stay" I asked he had sadness in his eyes

"You know I'd love to but they won't let me and trust me I tried before" He hugged me

"I'll be back first thing in the morning alright" He kissed the top of my head

"Hey just hug that if you miss us" Tony pointed at my new Stuffed Turtle I nodded and got teary eye'd

"Love You Ro" they all smiled

"Love you to" I smiled back trying not to show that I was braking they all walked over and I hugged my Turtle I laid down and soon fell asleep.

Hey so this chapter is more of a filler I decided to make a quick update but now I have to go to bed cause it's late and I got a birthday party to go to tomorrow yaayy fun
Well anyways night ♡

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