22)I Have To Share A Room With This Strange, Delinquent, Gorgeous Boy? WHY ME!?

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Every band we watched that night was amazing. However, call me biased, but I thought The Movie were best ones by far. Jinx - our new friends, were the last to perform. I have to admit, they were also pretty amazing. Their songs were catchy with clever lyrics, and every person in the band was very talented at their own instrument and did it very well. They received a very loud cheer from the crowd. A guy came onto the stage and declared that the results would be announced in thirty minutes, so we all decided to split up and meet back there at that time. Oddly, Gracie and Sean were the first to disappear…together.

“Oh oh…”

Adam, Christa and Andy then wandered off chatting away about something or other. Hunter was determined to show Alexia, Crystal and Eve how many glasses of Sprite he could chug in 60 seconds, despite the fact that they didn’t look the slightest bit interested, which left me with Rocket and Tom.

“I heard there’s an arcade just outside here” Tom said.

“Sounds fun” I replied enthusiastically.

“Wanna check it out?” he asked.

“Hell yeah!” I replied.

“Would you like another drink before we go, Hero? I’ll buy you one” Tom said casually, counting how much money he had in his wallet to double check that he had enough.

“No!” Rocket snapped suddenly “I’ll get it”

“Calm down, Rocket, he was only offering to buy me a drink” I said. Rocket rolled his eyes.

“So…I’ll take that as a no then?” Tom asked awkwardly.

“Come on, let’s just go” Rocket pushed past us and stormed off. We followed. Sure enough, there was an arcade around the corner. It was small, but had a sufficient amount of good games to keep me amused for more than half an hour. Something about arcades made me happy. I don’t know whether it was the bright flashing colours, the noises, the endless fun you can have with so little money…but I always enjoyed myself when in an arcade. To my delight, the arcade had air hockey. I liked to consider myself a professional at air hockey, despite the fact that it wasn’t my profession, I was just really good at it.

“Hey, Tom, wanna play air hockey?” I asked excitedly, knowing that Rocket would just say no.

“Sure” he replied.

“You’re going down, dude!” I smirked.

“I don’t think so” he replied “Loser has to play Rocket!” he added.

“Not funny” Rocket snarled. I giggled.

Much to my dismay, Tom was actually really good. But that didn’t stop me. After playing for about ten minutes I was beating him 6-5. We had attempted to use other methods of distracting each other such as throwing food at the other person’s face or yelling at them. Everyone else in the arcade thought we had some kind of mental issues.

“I’m winning!” I teased.

“Not for much longer!” he replied. He made a quick and very sudden movement that I was not expecting, and consequently, he scored.

“Dammit” I muttered. The next person to score would be the winner. Things were getting tense (Well, about as tense as things can get, after all, it’s air hockey…and there is a limitation on how seriously you can take it, despite how competitive you are). We continued playing relentlessly for the next four minutes or so, neither of us willing to give up without a fight.

“Hero! Look behind you!” Tom yelled.

“Hah, I’m not falling for that one!” I replied.

“No really” he said “Look behind you”

I Have To Share A Room With This Strange, Delinquent, Gorgeous Boy? WHY ME!?(1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora