29)I Have To Share A Room With This Strange, Delinquent, Gorgeous Boy? WHY ME!?

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I sat alone in my bedroom waiting for Rocket to come home. Trevor had just left to pick him up from the hospital, and I was looking forward to having him home again, as it would save me having to go back to that place.

I was bored. Very bored. I was highly lacking in concentration that day therefore I had been unable to busy myself with a book or a video game or homework, as I just couldn’t seem to be able to pay attention to it. I would have chatted with Tom, but he was currently in the shower singing the lyrics to a very off-key version of “We Are The Champions” by Queen. I’m pretty sure that the neighbours three doors down would have been able to hear him. I did attempt to have a conversation with my Mom, but she had shooed me away saying that she had to finish her work. Adults are so boring. I grabbed my laptop and turned it on just to check if there was anyone online that I could talk to. Luckily for me, Sean was online. He started an IM with me before I even had the chance to click on his name.

Sean: Heeeeeeyyy :D

Hero: Hi Sean :)

Sean: How are you today?

Hero: I’m crazy bored :/ You?

Sean: Très happy!

Hero: Any particular reason?

Sean: Yeeeesss. But I need to ask you something first.

Hero: Go ahead.

Sean: Would you be mad if I dated your best friend?

Hero: You’re dating Gracie, aren’t you?

Sean: Damn, I was hoping you wouldn’t guess so easily.

Hero: Nothing gets past me, dude.

Sean: Yeah…so, you’re not mad, are you?

Hero: Of course not. I’m happy for you guys, you seem like a perfect match.

Sean: Thanks :)

I heard the sound of Trevor’s car pulling up in the driveway, and then the front door clicking open, which could only mean that Rocket was home.

Hero: Gotta go, Sean. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.

Sean: Later.

I walked downstairs to find Rocket meandering into the front hall with his hands in his pockets. Trevor was just hanging up his coat.

“Hello, Hero.” Trevor said “The adults are going out for dinner tonight, so guys are going to have to feed yourselves. There’s plenty of food, but I know how your culinary skills are so I don’t want to risk you burning the house down. Unless your friend Tom can cook, I’ll just leave you some money so you can order a takeout.”

I laughed, “A takeout would probably be the safest option.”

“We’ll be back before midnight.” he said “And that’s a promise. If we were ten years younger we’d probably stay out until ridiculous o’clock in the morning, but I don’t think your Dad can stay awake for that long anymore.” Trevor said with a smirk. I laughed even more this time.

“When is my Dad ever awake?” I joked.

“You’re right. He’ll probably fall asleep in his food…anyway, I’ll leave you to…whatever it was you were doing.” he disappeared into the garden and I walked over to Rocket.

“Welcome home.” I said.

“Better than the hospital,” he remarked “But only marginally.”

I Have To Share A Room With This Strange, Delinquent, Gorgeous Boy? WHY ME!?(1)Where stories live. Discover now