Chapter 7

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An Small A/N

If anyone is reading this, just skip ahead unless you love to hear someone ramble about a chapter...Grr, I hated writing this chapter, I mean don't get me wrong I just think that things a moving to slow and what I just wrote and delete was a pathetic excuse for a chapter...

There! All done.. rambling done ... for now...

Continue with Chapter 7!!!


The trace which Dameon had the crowd in, slipped away when reality slapped them in the face hard about the publicity they could attract to themselves if they knew Hunter Wyatt's real identity. By then I was already worming my way through the crowd towards him as he stood awkwardly on the stage. I must of been the bang of the guitar on the floor boards that woke them up. The crowd then morphed into what felt like a mosh pit in an instant. I'm never going to a mosh pit ever again. As I struggled to drag Dameon/Hunter as the crowd clawed at him and occasional getting me. My hairs was being yanked from all sides as Dylan's voice could be heard vaguely in the background of the noise of the people, shouting for order and was already throwing people out. Literally. I would have loved to watch but I was pre occupied with this lovely over affectionate crowd towards Hunter Wyatt. By now I was near the entrance of the corridor which meant only a few more metres to go. A huge yank, sent me spiralling backwards into Dameon sending him toppling into the floor along with me. Landing on that hard chest of his, the air in my lungs puffed out in a big whoosh and I could already feel a bruise starting to form on my ribs where I landed on him. As he quickly stood up, I slid down his rock hard body and landed in a heap on the floor as he pulled me up from my daze. he tugged me down the hall with the mob moving behind us. I tripped and stumbled down the hall before pushing us sprawling through the open doer of my bedroom. Kicking it shut, we were both panting and I started giggling. Dameon began to start his sexy chuckling before the door started to open. Quickly standing up and threw my weight against the door to stop it opening fully. I heard a quick yelp before the door slammed shut and I flicked the lock on. Sounds of an angry mob outside began knocking loudly on the door. Turning around, I leaned against the door as I sheepishly looked up at Dameon who was now standing with his arms outstretched.

Dropping his arms, he asked "Why did you help me when you'd be earning money from knowing my real identity?" I shrugged and replied "Lets just say that I understand how you feel." I felt exposed when he began to intently stare at me, scrutinising. I didn't know what to feel when I realised he was only two metres away. I looked away and looked at my anklet. It was still intact despite the violent experience I just put it through. I started to think. Why did I save? Let him suffer for being so stupid as himself at a party with the press. But no, overnight I became an idiot and almost risked being reconsider. I may wear a mask, but that's all that between me and the world know who I am. Either way it's highly likely that I will appear on the front page with Dameon. Great...

"Hello? Helllo?Helllloooo?" Dameon's voice startled me out of my thoughts causing me to flinch slightly. "Hey, are you all alright? I've been waving my hand in front of you for five minutes, are you ok?" He asked, concern evident in his voice and his eyes look sincere. "Yeah, I'm... I'm fine, just... tired" I tell him and turn around to avoid his gaze. Walking to the bed I pick up Dane and hugged him tightly. The bed sloped slightly as Dameon sat down beside me. As he gently placed his hands on my shoulders, I flinch, unsure how to react. He pulled me close tucking me under his arm. We sat together in silence, neither of us moving. Closing my eyes I slowly relax my muscles until my weight was leaning against his shoulder. Just like old times.

Moonlight fell on my closed eyelids. Squeezing my eyes together, I rolled over pulling the blankets with me. Wait a minute... BLANKETS! I shot up and pushed the blankets off my body. A mental checklist flowed through my mind; clothes check, underwear check, Dameon..... where was he? Looking up, I noticed how the bed was sloped and warm and... alive. Dameon was sleeping in the same bed as me. Panic started to erupt in me until I realised it was night. The moon shine through the room, illuminating Dameon's face. He looks like he did when we were young, so innocent. We used to always sleep over at each other's houses. So much has changed. Slowly slipping out from the cocoon of blankets, I crawled slowly down the bed. While it was queen double, Dameon's wide body took most of the bed space leaving just enough for me to lie flat comfortably but still touch his shoulders and arms. Reaching the end of the bed, there on the floor laid my small collection of stuffed toys. How strange I must look to Dameon, but then again I haven't changed much since I had left the town. Glancing back at Dameon who was snoring softly, I stepped down from the bed. My right foot landed on the yeti, which squeaked loudly. Freezing as Damoen stirred and I prayed he didn't wake up. Moving quickly, I moves to the dresser and pulled out a warm dress. Disposing of the clothes I was wearing on the floor, I had keep glancing back to Dameon who was still asleep after all the racket I made. Pulling out a pair of shoes, I made my way to the door. Clicking the lock open and opening the door, the hallway was dark and beyond I could see the moon on the floor boards of the living room.

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