not a pizzeria?

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Mangles P.O.V

"What do you mean?"
His expression suddenly went serious
"This building is far from children freindly,once the lights go off this building turns into something dark"
Something dark?
"Trust me you dont want to be out of your room at night"
Our room?
"By the way you and springtrap are staying in the room down the left corridor,its the one at the end"
Me and the same room at night!?
My thoughts where derailed when the lights started to flicker
"Oh boy,um you might want to get to your room like NOW!"
The lights switched off

We ran to our room and slamed the door behind us
Soon after scratching and clawing sounds could be heard from outside our door
Soon after a horrifying screems followed by sounds i cant describe
I dident even realise that i was shaking in fear
Spring holded me close as he sat down on the bed
He covered my ear making all those horrid noises go away
After awile he uncovered my ears,it was silent
I dont know if it should be comforting or scary
i moved closer to springy making our fur touch
He looked down at me and was blushing slightly but didn't seem to mind
I layed my head on his lap and slowly drifted off to sleep

Springtraps P.O.V
I placed mangle on the bed and layed next to her,blushing slightly
I could really use some sleep....

(Time skip)

"N-no,no STAY AWAY!"
My eyes shot open,i looked next to me to see mangle tossing and turning in her sleep shouting at whatever she was dreaming about
I layed down and rapped my arms around her,she tensed up for a bit but then relaxed
She soon stoped and i went back to sleep

(Time skip)


i tryed to sit up but something was in my arms
I looked down to see mangle resting in my arms still fast asleep
I smiled alittle stroking her fur,its so soft~
There was a nock on the door and it slowly opened to reveal nick
"Slept well i see~" he wispered
"Y-ya..i guess you can say that,but what where those noises?" I wispered
"Dont know never dared venture out at night,poor night gaurd though sitting in that room with 3 doors...and a vent,we found the poor sod riped to shreds and thrown all over the room"
"Damb,that worse than being stuffed in a the way how long have you been in this place for?"
"4 years,alex on the other hand has been her since this place opened"
"Oh ya she didn't mention her name,its that wolf animatronic,anyways i asked her about those sound she seems to think its all the dead night gaurd coming back for revenge,its funny though instead of coming for us they go for the gaurd"
"Dead gaurds?you mean she stuffed gaurds to?"
"Yip,there use to be 6 animatronics here,alex was one of them,something happened,that she doesn't want to talk about,and they ended up stuffing every gaurd that walked into this building,after stuffing them they just threw them down a hole in the basment"
A shiver ran up my spine just thinking of these dead gaurds crawling up a giant hole to get to their next victim
"Thats is..creepy..."
"Tell me about it,and the worst part is that the boss has to keep this place open somehow or what ever it is that comes out at night will attack the town"
"Nick stop scaring him" it was alex
"What,your no fun" nick said leaving the room smiling
Alex rolled her eyes
"Sorry about that,what all did he say?"
I quickly summarised what he said and told alex
She face plamed
"That is all a bunch of lies,well except the part with me iv lived here since it was made"
I sighed with relief
"But what about all those sounds and scratching at the door?"
"The scratching was him and the sound where also him,well his jumpscare anyways"
My expression changed completely
"T-thats his j-jumpscare!?"
She noded
"Its hard to explai-"
"Oh looks like sleeping beauty is awake" alex chuckled

(Hope you liked this part/chap what ever you want to call it..)

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