torn in two

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This may sound harsh to some,but this is up to them...i cant help her decide
Right now i need to help mangle
I took mangle back to the office and layed her on the table,while getting something to rest her head on
I found a pillow and put it under her head
She should be okay here,now i need to go check on the others

No ones P.O.V

Springtraps went back to the stage area to see that the situation hadn't changed that much
Alex was sitting on the edge of the stage looking down
Shade was next to her,they both where quiet
Foxy was still uncontios
Springtrap sighed and went to check on the others to see if they are okay

Alex looked at shade
" long...." she asked him
"Since you arrived...."
She looked back down
"....Why didn't you say anything....." she said
"...........because i was sounds stupid but...i was actually really scared of you...but liked you too...." shade said not looking at her
They sat there quiet again
Alex sighed sadly and leaned her head against his shoulder
"..this is so fucked...." she said slightly angry
He noded
She began to tear up again
" sorry shade.."
"Please just....just dont say anything" shade said
They stopped talking,alex cryed on his shoulder but he just sat there motionless

Springtrap helped the others up and too the parts and services room so they could rest
He sighed
"This whole damb thing is screwed" he growled
He walked out and towards alex and shade
"What the hell happened?" Springtrap growled at them
They both looked down
"Its....its a long story" alex said
Springtrap went to foxy to check on him
"Then you better start talking,both of you"

(Time skip)

A couple hours later alex and shade finished explaining what the could,springtrap had patched foxy up as best he could
"So you injured everyone,messed up the building and hurt my mangle over something so stupid!!??" Springtrap roared
Alex wimpered,shade just looked down
"You could of killed foxy and even the others!was it really worth it shade!?"
"you would of done the same for mangle" he said looking up at springtrap with a glere

(Something short as i have no idea what else to write at the moment)

Mangle X SpringtrapWhere stories live. Discover now