discharged shadow,part 1

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Mangle sighed not knowing not to say
Shade stood up,his fists balled
"That fucking fox took her away from me" he said angrily
Mangle jumped and looked up at him,his eyes where red
"S-shade calm down pl-"
"I just realised how similar you look to that basterd" he said
Mangle jumped to her feet
"N-now hang on shade-" mangle tryed to say but was grabbed my the neck
Shade bagn to choke her
"How does it feel mangle,does it feel good to look the same as the fuck who stole my life?" He said growling his grip tightening
Mangle clawed at him trying to get him to let go but it was no use
The air was draining rapidly from her and she was begining to suffercate
Tears began to roll down her face but he suddenly let go of her,she dropped to the ground gasping for air
A bruise forming around the area he grabbed her
"But theres no need to kill you,its not your fault" he said and walked away
Mangle vision darkened as she passed out

Springtraps P.O.V

Where is mangle?she went running after shade and still hasent come back
As i thought this i saw shade walking this way,mangle no where to be seen
"Springtrap,mangle fell back there she need your help" he said
My eyes widened my legs reacting befor i could think as i ran toward where he said mangle was

Shades P.O.V

One down

Now to get foxy alone
That basterd wont get out of this
Not until i get my love back

(Something short,ill write more tomorrow)

Mangle X SpringtrapWhere stories live. Discover now