lets party!

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While mangle tryed to calm down springtrap who was hyperventilating
Everyone else where thinking of things to do seeing as they have all be reunited
"I got it!lets throw a party!!" Alex shouted
Foxy instantly agreed while everyone else was alittle hesitant
But they soon agreed
"Okay guys so this is what we are going to do-"

(Personally iv never thrown or been to a part so bear with me if it doesn't seem right)

Everyone was at the 'party' they threw except the two people who suggested it in the first place
Springtrap wanted to play music,but almost everyone didn't agree with listening to slipknot in the party
So they went and play other thing like.......uh.......you know what i dont want to know
Springtrap sighed heavily until mangle walked up to him with a smile
"Wana dance?" She asked
Springtrap smiled
They walked to the small area they cleaned up for them to dance
Springtrap took mangles hand and smiled
"Lets go"
Just as they got into the small area the song changed,this one much calmer and perfect for a slow dance
Mangle and springtrap began to dance,stering into eachothers eyes as they did
"You know,iv probably said this befor but ill say it again,your beautiful"
Mangle blushed and smiled at springtrap
"T-thanks springy"
They danced happily until the song ended,they returned to their seat and smiled at each other
"This is great" Springtrap said looking at everyone enjoying themselves
"Yip,just one problem,where is foxy and alex"
Springtrap shrugged
"foxy said something about 'private time with alex'"
Mangle sighed
"Oh well-oh look there they are" mangle pointed as they came down the passage holding hands,foxy grinning like an idiot and alex blushing madly with a sloppy smile
chica looked at them and grinned
"What did you two do?"
Alex blushed more
"Your to young to know"
Chica looked annoyed
"We are the same age foxy"
"Anyways,i just wanted to say-" foxy grin grew as he brought alex closer
"-i proposed to alex"
"A-and i said yes" alex said trying to cover her face

This is the part where everyones jaw drop,springtrap faints,mangle is shocked in a happy way
And freddy has half a heart attack

Foxy grinned at everyones reactions and alex blushed even more!
But through all this happiness,and people fainting,there was one whos heart was crushed
His head hanged,knowing he didn't try hard anough to gain his best freinds love...

Mangle X SpringtrapWhere stories live. Discover now