alexs little secret

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When night came and nick,alex and shade all played their songs mangle went to explore while springtrap stayed and listened
Curious of what shade had said earlier that day about that back room mangle went to find out more about it,and the only way to that was to investigate the room itself...well in her eyes thats all she could do

Mangles P.O.V

I grabbed the flashlight like i did earlier and entered the room
I tryed to take in every detail as i walked
Dust covered the floor and walls,there where strange black stains on the floor and bits of clothing
Near the end of the room i notice alot more of the black stains that had dryed into the concrete floor and the bottom of the wall
Next to the stains where parts of what seemed to be an endoskeleton
I thought for a second
Black stains,dusty floors,endoskeleton parts

Someone......someones like us...a soul inside them

Springtraps P.O.V

I watched from the back as the small croud cheered from the last song their band played
Alex said the good byes as the croud left,i only thought shade and nick could sing but alex.....damb it was beautiful
I wounder if mangle can sing like her,by like her i mean this 'metal core' style that would be amazing
Speaking of mangle where is she?
"Springtrap..." oh there she is
I turned around and smiled at her
"Hay,where did you go you missed the songs"
She rolled her eyes
"I found something in the back room.."
"Whatcha find?"
"Someone here....has a soul in them,there was blood every where back there along with endoskeleton parts"

Alexs P.O.V

Hmm,seems that springtrap guy was stering at me the whole time we sang...better not try cheat on your girlfriend man
Oh there she is now
What are they talking about?
They suddenly looked at me and mangle motioned me to come over,hope its not going to be a fight i really dont have the energy for that
I walked over and mangle looked at me worried
"Alex...." Springtrap said
"Where you killed in that back room"

No ones

Alexs eyes enlarged from mangles question
She suddenly began to shiver as she backed away from mangle and springtrap
"H-hay alex you okay?"
Befor mangle could ask the question fully alex broke into a sprint down the hallway
Springtrap chased after her along with mangle
Alex sprinted into her room and slamed the door closed

(Part 1 of 2)

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