Chapter 18

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July 23rd
Wayne Manor

Parker's thoughts drifted away from everything else except the event of a few nights ago. After Miss Martian asked Robin about his origin story, she remembered that even she had not heard a full story. Sure, she knew about his parents and the circus, but those were just details. What was the actual story behind it all? Surely things were screwed over even more than he would admit, or he might not have become Robin.

It was obviously a touchy subject, and she did not want to upset him by asking, but she wanted to know. After all, friends spoke about secrets between themselves, right? Truth be told, she did not know. Her secrets had been shared and discusses, well, most of them.

After a few months of sleeping together, just sleeping, she would say they were a bit more than friends. Her feelings could not me described in words, only that she felt something... more. It was the only appropriate word. Anything further left her brilliant mind in a jumble for sense.

Her laptop's bright screen stared at her, wanting attention. Her time had been spent giving it just that for most of the day already. Perhaps fourteen hours in front of a computer was enough for one day. She shut the laptop, putting it to sleep. It's place on the nightstand was soon occupied.

Sudden boredom took her in the next ten seconds of looking around her room. She grabbed her phone and hit play, earbuds in. Coldplay's Sky Full of Stars began blasting through. Never did she think she could jam out more to a synthesizer and piano. She lipsynced all the familiar words. In the middle of one of the drawn out 'you's, she yawned. Still, her entire body beat-bopped to the catchy tune.

On the last verse, she actually sang the lyrics. Imagine her surprise when her best friend appeared in the doorway. Pure embarrassment settled into her features. Dick only laughed shortly. He sat down next to her and took one of her earbuds.

A new song began playing, one without any words. The instrumental, whatever it was, was part of a soundtrack to one of Parker's favorite movies. The music that played was during the saddest, most emotional part. She moved to change it, even though it was one of her favorites, but Dick stopped her.

"Ah, depressing music," he muttered, smiling playfully.

She returned the gesture. "I just have it on shuffle." She quickly explained.

There was a long, ensuing silence. "People don't appreciate this type of music." He said randomly. "So much emotion and passion all pulled together in just a few instruments..."

"That was deep." Parker agreed.

"But it's true." He argued. A sigh came across as he thought. "I didn't get to grow up with these types of things. You don't know what you are missing until you get it."

She smiled a bit. "It's 'You don't know what you have until it's gone.' But that is true, too." He pulled out his phone and began typing. "What are you doing?" She inquired.

"Writing it down."

"You do that?"

"Only for really good quotes."

That earned a chuckle. "You are a regular philosopher."

Dick grinned modestly. "Why, thank you. I try."

Another pause allowed them to enjoy their music. "There's a mission briefing tomorrow." Parker blurted.

"For the team?" Dick looked excited.

"Bats has it all planned out." Came confirmation. "Don't tell anyone yet. You're not supposed to know."

"Logan Parker is telling me confidential secrets of the Justice League." He marveled. "Next thing you know, we all develop meta abilities."

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