Steve Rogers - Ass slapper

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You were in the gym, training with Natasha in your gym clothes which consists of a sports bra and leggings.

Slap! Wtf? You were suddenly aware of the slight pain from your butt. You looked around and saw no one.

"Who was it?" You asked Natasha who was trying hard to stiffle her laughter.

"I don't know" she answered. You just scowled.

After training you were at Tony's balcony, star gazing with Thor.

"That is the big Dipper" you said through the telescope.

"What is a big Dipper, Lady Y/N?" Thor asked with his loud voice.

You were about to answer when you felt a slight Slap! On your buttocks again.

You were gonna ask Thor who it was but you saw a man running in a spangly outfit of red and blue.

"What is he doing, Lady Y/N?" Thor asked, curiosity filled his eyes as he looks at you.

"Oh nothing, Thor" with that, you left Thor thinking of a way to get back at your boyfriend.

Weeks have passed and Steve's in the gym again, punching relentlessly at the punching bag.

Slap! He stopped and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Who's there?" He asked, earning no answer, Steve rubbed his ass and continued punching the bag, while you were at the air vents, laughing mischievously at your boyfriend.

"Thanks, Clint" you said ans scurried away to your next destination.

Steve was walking through SHIELDs computer room when he gets slapped again.

"Ugh" Steve groaned loudly, ready to tell off the slapper when he saw you running away, giggling.

Steve smirked. "Come back here, Y/N! You're gonna pay for that!"

You stiffled your giggles and ran away from your ass slaping boyfriend.

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