Clint Barton - Bed

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You woke up, slightly wincing at the sunlight provided by the open window.

You squirmed and stretched around. You were about to stand when two pair of arms encircled themselves in your waist.

"Stay" the husky morning voice of your boyfriend- Clint Barton- stopped you from squirming.

"But, Clint, (y/bf/n)- Your bestfriend's name- is coming over. I promised her that were gonna go shopping" you argued.

Clint grunted. You know he doesn't like her, you don't know why, but he absolutely dislikes her.

"Tell her to go home, your staying here"

You sighed and snuggled into his chest.

"Hmm, that's better" Clint smiled and kissed your hair, then fell asleep.

You perked up when you here slight snoring and even breathing. Yes! He's asleep.

You gently got out of his grip and went to the bathroom.

Moaning from the hot water, you gently scrubbed your hair and your body.

"Ahhh!" You yelped when you suddenly felt arms encircle your waist from behind.

You perk up when you heard laughing.

"Clint? Damn you! I was so scared!" You yelled, slapping his chest. You glared at him and he stopped laughing when he saw your glare.

"I'm sorry, Y/N" he said.

You glared at him again, getting out of the shower and dressing up for later.

"Y/N" you heard Clint call you.

"Y/N!" Still no response, he closed the gap and kissed you passionately.

You want to argue but the feel of his lips made you melt and kissed him back.

He picked you up from your bottom and caged you in the wall.

"Clint" you purred when he kissed your neck.

"Hmmm, Y/N" he groaned and continued kissing you.

He was about to deepen the kiss when you bolt up and cursed

"Shit! (Y/bf/n) is here!"

Clint heard the car horn and went to the window.

"Hey! (Y/bf/n)! Y/N can't go shopping with you! She's busy!" You heard Clint yell.

"Ok! Tell her I'm leaving." You hear her call back and she sped off the driveway.

Clint looked at you with a satisfied smirk.

"Now, where were we?"

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