Thor Odinson - Condoms

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Pleasing the Asgardian God has always been your forte. Whether if it was slow and passionate, or fast and rough.

You absolutely love making love with him, he was totally gentle with you, always asking if you are alright, and cuddling with you after hours of love making.

But, there is one flaw in your sex life; Condoms.


You were heavily making out with Thor.

His soft lips perfectly molding against yours.

His calloused hands lightly skimming through your shoulders down to your stomach.

You moaned when his lips suddenly trailed down your lips to your neck.

"Mhmm, Thorr" you purred his name making him harder. He loved the sound of his name, coming out huskily from your parted lips.

He nipped at your neck, surely leaving love bites at his wake. You giggled when his stubble lightly tickles your neck.

He stopped, and looked at you with pure desire in his eyes.

You kissed his jaw up to his soft lips and straddled his waist. Feeling something hard tap against your core, you grinded your hips making him groan.

"Fuck, Y/N" he said huskily.

All signs of softness left his eyes, he looked at you with pure hunger and roughly positioned himself in your entrance.

"Wait Thor!" You said, leaving a confused Thor.

You stood up and pulled out a package from your nightstand.

"What is this lady Y/N?" Thor asks.

"That's a condom, Thor. Men use it to avoid accidents" you answered slightly embarassed.

"Men do not use it in Asgard" Thor pointed out, opening the foil package.

You looked at him and bit your lip. How can he be so adorable and sexy at the same time? You thought while looking at him, his face filled with confusion while biting his lip.

He pulled the condom out and blew it up like a balloon.

"This is a fine contraption Y/N. Is this what you humans call a balloon?" He said while playing with the blown up balloon.

"And it tastes like strawberry" he said while licking the condom.

"Stop it, Thor! That is not For eating!" You scolded him, taking the blown up condom away from his reach.

"Then why does it have flavor? Are you gonna eat it?"

"No, Thor! Men put it around their, uhm you know!" You said while gesturing to his manhood with flushed cheeks.

"I'm gonna wrap it in my-" you stopped him from saying that word. Was he really making you embarrased? He knows you get awkward when you talk about, that.

Thor smirks. "So if I put it in, there" then he winks at you, "will you lick it?" He asks cheekily.

"W-why sh-should I lick it?" You ask, stammering from embarrassment.

"Well, it does taste like strawberry"

With that you stopped him with a kiss and let him play with the condoms.

You laughed while trying to stop him from licking the condom. Yet again.

"Stop licking it! It's inappropriate" you scolded him once again.

"But you let me lick you" he said innocently, making your face heat up with embarrassment yet again.

"That's different"

"But it's still inappropriate" Thor said with a smirk.

"Oh my Gods, Thor. What am I going to do with you?"

You asked yourself dramatically while watching Thor, again blowing up a second condom, while all the desire long forgotten.

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